A brother goes to the Thursday night meeting, and an elder says that he and a couple of elders would like to visit with him. He says "Well, what about?" The elder says "well lets wait till after the meeting." So he waits. After the meeting they meet up, and the COBE or the Presiding Overseer (PO) says: Brother X, it has been brought to our attention by a person in the congregation that you wear a necklace under your shirt and that you seem to be sporting a $1000.00 watch. Is that true. Brother X says, "Yes, Bother overseer, my wife bought these for me as a gift. Is there anything wrong" So the PO says, "dont you realize that - that is very showy, materialistic, and causing a another brother to feel bad? You know the societies recommendations for such things!" And of course, the other 2 elders are nodding there head in agreement as the Presiding Overseer is speaking.
I must tell you that Bother X is very well aware of the hypocrisy going on thru out the society, and he begins to say the following in reply to the Presiding Overseer:
"I see no wrong here, my wife bought it for me, it was her money. The society wears stuff like that, and they do it all the time." The PO says " No, they do not do such things, they wouldn't be caught doing things like that, they are men of example". Well, Bother X has had it, and he lays it on the line, and says "You men are lying to me, you can't tell me that there not doing it, because I was watching the last podcast, and do you 3 see what this Man of example as you call it is wearing on his wrist?" His watch is at least $17,000." And of course, he's got his iphone out to show them the video, and says, "See!"
Well, the PO and the other 2 elders don't say anything, for the fact that they were absolutely speechless and the PO says "Well, we just don't want anyone to get stumbled." That was the brunt of the conversation for about 25 minutes, and they left.
I have seen this very example going on when I was in the organization. Happily, for over 25 years, I can say that I am truly free. What I would like to know is - What is the PO and the elders looking at? They have to see this, aren't they watching the broadcast? I can imagine the talk is boring, so they got to look at something. I really pity these people, the people are starving for real food, and they go home sick.
I really do feel for all of you still in, and have never failed to think of the suffering you all deal with. I hope things will soon change and I continually pray for your freedom!
As I like to say "Happy Trails to all!" TNT