A New NameFounded in the mid-nineteenth century, the Bahá’í Faith has spread to some 232 nations and territories and is now accepted by more than five million people.
The Word Bahá’í means “follower of Bahá’u’lláh.” Bahá’u’lláh was the Prophet-Founder of the Bahá’í Faith. His name in Arabic means “The Glory of God.” His followers believe that Bahá’u’lláh's writings are an expression of the Holy Spirit and are the Word of God.
Hmm, so all this 'proof' that JWs are the real thing---What's up with the Baha'i faith? Both religions started around the same time. Both have right around the same number of follwers.
A growing number of people are becoming interested in the Bahá’í Faith, not only because it contains profound spiritual teachings, but also because it shows how spiritual principle can be put into action in effective ways. Bahá’u’lláh’s message offers intelligent and reasonable solutions to the myriad issues faced by humanity in the modern age.
Reads just like the 'Mission statement' for the Awake magazine, huh?
So you might think they're the same bread, different butter. But I've found some drastic differences. For one, the Baha'i believe in community service.
The most effective way for an individual to ensure personal spiritual growth, as well as to contribute to the progress of civilization, is to develop and use his or her talents and powers in service to humanity.For a Bahá’í the highest achievement in life is to do good for our fellow human beings. Bahá’u’lláh taught that work, when performed in the spirit of service, is equivalent to the worship of God. Social and economic development in this new model is a process driven by the human spirit rather than by material resources.
Most Bahá’í social and economic development projects are small in scale and local in scope. They have a high rate of success in producing positive and lasting change.
New Social Laws for a New Era
The teachings of the Bahá’í Faith are intelligent and progressive. Fanaticism is forbidden, and Bahá’ís are counselled to prefer others to themselves. These are among the animating principles of this fast-emerging faith community:
*Oneness: one God, one Humankind, and one Evolving Faith
*Elimination of all forms of prejudice
*Complete equality of women and men in all aspects of human society
*Belief that truth is one and, therefore, scientific and religious truths are in harmony
*Universal compulsory education for all children throughout the world
*Establishment of a world language that everyone will learn in addition to their native language
*World peace through world governance
*Elimination of the extremes of wealth and poverty
*Free and independent investigation of truth by every individual
Any thoughts?