I'm tired of being a NEWBIE, I want to be a Junior Member, how many times do I need to post to become a "Junior member"?
I wanna be
by Yerusalyim 5 Replies latest jw friends
I'm tired of being a NEWBIE, I want to be a Junior Member, how many times do I need to post to become a "Junior member"?
The newbie is passing away. Just ashort time more...
Seems to be 20.
Mustang and Yerusylim -
Simon posted this in the Announcements section: (at first I thought it might be a JW throw back, but if it's just a bit of fun I guess it's OK ;)
In case you are new and wondering what all the 'master member' and 'jedi' labels are that people have, they are based on the number of posts made as follows:1-20 : Newbie
21-50 : Junior
51-200 : Senior
201-1000 : Master
1001-2000: Jedi
2001+ : EmperorIt's just a bit of fun to indicate how long / how much someone has used the forum. - Simon
Personally I'd rather see something more theocratic like:
ministerial servant
Circuit Overseer
Jesus Christ
GB member
GB advisorNote: Women cannot advance beyond pioneer. (female Bethelites are the rare but silent exception the the watchtower rule)
dark clouds
i noticed how Jesus Christ is kept low in the totem pole of your ranks, not quite worthy of bethelite status, huh?
i feel this is no accident or mistake on your behalf. . .
im afraid to ask where you rank Jehovah?
G'day Dark Clouds,
Just because I said I'd like to see these Theocratic rankings installed here doesn't mean I think they're any good. (I'm a sick kinky guy - ask anybody)
unclebruce, who is repulsed by all cults including the mindnumbing StarTrek.*
PS: I'm glad you never asked about how Jehovah ranks with me. (perhaps I forgot about him when typing that ... or perhaps he was on the privy or skiing the swiss alps ... perhaps the Brooklyn Bible Scholars are holding him for ransom till all the apostates apologise and hand their secret elders manuals back)
*A lie - I do like Dr.Who, Red Dwarf, Good News Week and Landline.