English translation with Altavista:
Sunday, 16 February 2003, 16:30 - 17:00
End of the silence of sexual ones abuse at the witnesses Jehovas a film of Monika Schuck and Gaby Fuest
With the arrival of Bill Bowen on Frankfurt airport comes again hope into the life of the 17jaehrigen witness Jehovas: The founder of the US organization "silent Lambs" made the sexual abuse at the witnesses Jehovas public. And it promises to help also Jutta.
Silence should it, in order not to damage the call of the "witnesses Jehovas". The require the old of it as they around assistance ask, because their father they sexual abuse. Also he was a "witness Jehovas", an outstanding high gemeindevertreter in addition. Instead of assistance she got threats. Other women report something similar: One believed them not, announced, to exclude everyone from the religious community which outside of assistance searched. The authors could act undisturbed further. A Insider, a former oldest one of the "witnesses Jehovas" from the USA created the almost impossible: it made Mrs. Mut - and they broke their silence. Its group of self-helps "silentlambs" became the approach place and hope for victims also made of Germany. Some retained it thereby before the suicide, for example Jutta. Of it and other women, which are not silent longer, the film of Monika Schuck and Gaby Fuest tells.
Preview of German TV programme
by izobcenec 10 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Thanks, izobcenec, for finding, translating, and sharing this latest update!
International Problem!
International Coverage!
International Audience!
Great job!
Grits -
Thanks, izobcenec, for finding, translating, and sharing this latest update!
International Problem!
International Coverage!
International Audience!
Great job!
Grits -
Thank you izobcenec for the info! Now, I've asked this question before but nobody replied: I used to be able to watch this channel when I had an Astra dish - is it still available on this satellite (19.2 degrees east) unencrypted? If so, a lot of people in England will be able to see it.
ASTRA 1C, Transponder 39
11.053 MHz, Polarisation horizontal -
Speaking German, I take the liberty of translating "correctly":
End of silence - sexual abuse among Jehovah's Witnesses - a film by Monica Schick and Gaby Fuest.
With the arrival of Bill Bowen at Frankfurt Airport hope comes to the life of a 17 years old Jehovah's Witness. He is the founder of a US organization, "Silent Lambs", and brought the sexual abuse among Jehova's Witnesses into the public. And he promises to help Jutta. She had to keep quiet, in order not to disrupt the reputation of the Witnesses. That is what the Elders demanded from her, when she asked for help, because her father abused her. He also was a Witness, one held in high esteem within the congregation. In stead of help she was threatened. Other women tell similar stories: They were not believed, and told that those who sought assistance from outside of the congregation, would be thrown out of the brotherhood. The offenders could keep on abusing.
An insider, an earlier Elder from the USA succeeded in the impossible: He gave the women courage, and they managed to break their silence. His self-aid-group "Silent Lambs" has become a starting point and hope for victims also from Germany. Some he stopped from committing suicide, as Jutta. Of her and others, who no longer keep quiet, tells the film by Monica Schuck and Gaby Fuest.
to the TheOldHippie
Thanks for your translation, that was great.
Cant wait for the program.
Reminder for those who want to adjust their dishes.
Today there is an advertisment in 48 newspapers all over Germany to promote tomorrows TV report:
It reads:
The End of Silence
Sexual Abuse Among Jehovah's Witnesses2/16, 2003, 4.30 p.m., WDR Television
Abuse can happen anywhere, even at places where the facade appears white and the unthinkable seems to be impossible. The reports shows by the example of several Jehovah's Witnesses that it is this environment of a cult that provides an ideal atmosphere to shelter the perpetrators and to silence the victims.
The ad has been financed by donations and organized by the recovery group Ausstieg e.V. (Exit Inc.). Chairman Stephan E. Wolf is also WebMaster of Infolink.
Edited by - GermanJW on 15 February 2003 10:42:48