Aha ha,
That link you supplied, How exactly, are you linking it with The JWs and the "UN attack on Religion, JW Harlot Prophecy "
JW's believe that the UN will turn on (Babylon The Great) The World Empire of False Religion together with the peoples and crowds and nations and tongues , Right?
*** re 256 35 Executing the Great *** My comments added in Red Certainly, the immense material wealth of the Babylon The Great will not save her . Seems to me The WTBTS have pretty good wealth too. It may even hasten her destruction, for the vision shows that when the wild beast and the ten horns vent their hatred on her they will strip off her royal robes and all her jewelry. They will plunder her wealth. They make her . . . naked, shamefully exposing her real character. What devastation! Her end is also far from dignified. They destroy her, eat up her fleshy parts, reducing her to a lifeless skeleton. Finally, they completely burn her with fire. She is burned up like a carrier of the plague, without even a decent burial! It is not the nations alone, as represented by the ten horns, that destroy the great harlot, but the wild beast, meaning the UN itself, joins them in this rampage. It will give its sanction to the destruction of false religion.
*** re 258 35 Executing the Great *** Yes, the nations will use the scarlet-colored wild beast, the United Nations, in destroying the Great. Yada Yada Yada
What makes you think, that The WTBTS will somehow be exonerated of that desolation, by the UN and the ten horns (peoples and crowds and nations and tongues)? Now be careful how you answer that, because if you sat they are the FDS, and Jehovah will protect them, YOU will have to prove to us why YOU identify them as the FDS.
According to that article you supplied above, I know for a fact that the WTBTS have the same sentiments when it comes to pro life as do most other monotheistic religions of the world. So if that is a pre-requisite or indication that The UN will turn on religion, and totally destroy it, wouldnt the JWs be just as targeted as the rest seeing they have similar views?
But the UN Secretariat isn't opposed to all religion , she said. " They don't mind Hindus and Buddhists , because they've got more flexible moral codes . And they love the Bahai's because Bahai's are big on world government. But they don't like Orthodox Judaism, Christianity or IslamGee I wonder why- any religion with an absolute moral code is an obstacle to them."
But why is it an obstacle, because it violates basic Human Rights? Peoples right to think freely and to make choices, and decisions for themselves, without encumbrance by religion.
Besides, I thought the destruction of the Great (The World Empire of False religion) included ALL False religion? But above she says NOT opposed to all religion? Isnt Buddhism, Hinduism, Bahaism false according to you?
Can you see how The Organisation is using their own interpretation, to suit this argument Aha ha?
Oops another quote i totally forgot about cos they don't put it on ther new CD's see...wonder why...thanks hooberus"We cannot but admire the high principles embodied in the proposed League of Nations, formulated undoubtedly by those who have no knowledge of the great plan of God. This fact makes all the more wonderful the ideals which they express. For instance, it has been made plain by President Wilson and the advocates of his ideas that the proposed League of Nations is more than merely a league to enforce peace. They would not have us consider it to exclusively from the standpoint of politics or of military relations. It should be considered as fully from the economic and social points of view. The President's idea seems to be that the League of Nations which he proposes would stand for world service rather than mere world regulation in the military sense, and that the very smallest of nations shall be participants in its every arrangement. In other words, his idea undoubtedly is that the league shall not be established merely for the purpose of promoting peace by threat or coercion; but that its purpose, when put into operation, will be to make all nations of earth one great family, working together for the common benefit in all the avenues of national life. Truly this is idealistic, and approximates in a small way that which God has foretold that he will bring about after this great time of trouble." Watch Tower February 15, 1919 p.51 reprints page 6389
Edited by - Gizmo on 28 January 2003 4:52:22