Am I alone in thinking this way?

by whyhideit 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyhideit

    My wife and I were talking about something the other day while we were driving and we were discussing some point about boards like this one. Boards that are populated by Ex-Jws. In the conversation we got to wondering some things, and wondered if others felt or wondered the same. If these comments seem insulting to board participants, advanced apologies.

    When we first got away from the Witnesses, we had the hardest time making new friends. Mainly because we did not really know how to act around people that were not Witnesses. We had to come to grips with the fact that we had only known Witnesses as close friends for our whole life. It gave us something to talk about, something to do together and basically offered up several opportunities for people to meet. Once we were out though, that was not the case. Some people we met were so different from what we were used to, that we found ourselves writing off potential friends left and right. Then there was the issue of still seeing people the same way we did as Witnesses. Things like; people living together, political involvement, liberal views on sex, spiritism, and many others. These all made being friends with people difficult in the beginning. As we could take ourselves out of the religion, but it was hard to take the religion out of us.

    In a short time, and with a focus to wanting to change, we did start to become less Witness-like. Each point kind of represented a challenge we discussed and dealt with and learned from. In time we found that as the years went by, you would be hard pressed as a outsider to guess that we ever had any contact with the Witnesses, for as many years as we did. Without a full list of details, I can simple say, "we turned our lives completely around." So why am I mentioning this?

    Well after all these years I started coming across online message boards for other subjects, and wondered "I wonder if there are forum's like this for Ex-Jw's?" To be honest I wondered what a group of Ex-Jw's would act like and if they would mention common problems I had to overcome. To be honest, most of the comments I have read on these type of boards, sounds like a variation of something I saw or felt myself. Yet my wife and I also noticed another element. Basically, what we noticed is that many Ex-Jw's leave the religion physically and yet remain in the religion mentally. They might do this conscienceless with a hope of returning one day, or they do it unconscious, like we did, because they were in it for so many years. These are things we noticed on these message boards.

    The term "Ex-Jw", "Former Jehovah's Witness" or any term we choose to call it.

    These terms are something I only use on a board like this. Only about 10% of my real-life friends have any knowledge of my wife and I involvement in the religion. I do not see myself as a separate group anymore. I may have a Witness past, but I do not see myself as a Ex-Jw or anything else. I just don't title myself into a group anymore. I see that as still connecting with the religion and not seeing yourself as part of the rest of the world. Kind of a mental detachment from what our new life's reality gives us to face.

    Spending time with people of the faith.

    Now some might say that Ex-Jw's have no one faith, because they have moved on to what ever suits them. Yet hear we are in our own little online-congregation of the damned speaking in a common theme of our Witnesses past. Call it a support group, or what ever fits, but we have to come to some conclusion that we have some that feel more comfortable here then other places. It might be for reasons like; people understand them better, the people all understand the terms and language, or it feels familiar. In the end, I do wonder if this support group of discussion becomes almost like a emotional crutch in time. We lean on it, as a way of not having to face the obstacle of making friends with people who know nothing about Witnesses and building strength that is more personal to us.

    We are protective of the faith.

    Now again, calling it a faith is a loose term and only used because I can not think of anything else. In point though, I have seen online the same protection of the Ex-Jw cause as I saw in the congregation of the Pro-Jw cause. What do I mean? When people mention negative stories about JW's in the news, they express excitement. It sounds just like the words I heard in the congregation when Witnesses were mentioned in a positive light in the news. Different side of the coin, yet the same excitement for the message. When people take the lead to destroy or harm the Witnesses, other Ex-Jw's rally behind their cause. In doing so, they will sometimes have a very angry and low tolerance for those who express differing opinions.

    Hoping for something that wont happen

    I spent more years then I care to think about sometimes, hoping the end will come for this world. I do not plan on wasting more years hoping that the Jehovah's Witnesses will fall apart. Basically, I see it the same way for both. If it is going to happen, nothing I do is going to prevent it or stop it. So why not live my life the way I want and just forget about the issue and move on. When I see people making new efforts to take down the Watchtower, I think to myself, "I hope they do not waste to much time on an effort that has been tried so many times before, and failed." Not that I do not think their cause is valid, I just have a realistic attitude of knowing that the religion will not disappear in our life time. There will always be a core of die hard believers.

    Now my question to all the board members is this. Do you ever see these same common thoughts in online communities like this? In doing so, how does it affect you? Basically it comes down to this.

    "Why do you come to these board, how long to you plain to stay?" As I ask that to myself often, and I find that I stop by these boards rarely now, and for only 2 reasons.

    1. To see if there is anything new in understanding that my JW relatives might try to use on my wife and I.

    2. To see how many people post, and build mental strength in wondering "What are all the other Ex-Jw's doing, that did not require these boards, to stay out of the religion?"

    Basically, beyond that, I hardly read anything else. I enjoy people, I like people, but I guess I have gone so far past the JW days that to much discussion on the issues seems like "two steps back" rather then "two steps forward." I am sorry if this sounds insulting, as it is not meant to. It is more my view. I used to read these boards a lot in the beginning, and now I never do. I just wondered why others do and if they ever felt the same as me. I guess I enjoy the challenge now of going to boards or places that have no Witness theme, and seeing if I can find a place to fit in. When I do. It is like a extra mental strength of saying, "you can live life without Witnesses. You can make friends that have no association to your past faith." It just feels good, and I thought others might enjoy these points my wife and I discussed.

    Edited by - whyhideit on 27 January 2003 2:20:50


    Hi whyhideit.

    Very interesting and lengthy read. One reason I like this board, gave me a good one with simply reading your post.

    Differentiating points of views; provocative questions; new information ; humour; linking up with people whom have at least, shared to some degree, and involvement with the WTBTS.

    "Why do you come to these board, how long to you plain to stay?"

    I would have to say, I come to these boards to link up with people whom have shared similar experiences as Jehovah's Witnesses. Also, anyone who has been questioning the organization and are looking for support: I would like to offer support for those who need it. I also hope to come on here and find some former Jehovah's Witness friends. That would be incredible. I found one, not too long ago. Seperated for almost 22 years, it was wonderful for us to meet face to face.

    Looking back 18-19 years ago, I had zero support. I could totally relate to your story: no friends, feeling awkward: 'As we could take ourselves out of the religion, but it was hard to take the religion out of us.' No kidding! How true. That's exactly how I felt way back. With the internet available, it's nice to have that connection to an on-line community that can relate to your own personal experience as Jehovah's Witnesses.

    How long do I plan on staying? Not to be dismissive, but I will stay here for as long I like. It has been good for me and I have thoroughly enjoyed, thus far, the interactions I have had.

    I don't think your post is offensive nor insulting, it's provocative, honest and brings attention to some of your observations. Some of which, are bang on and quite possibly shared by others on here.


  • wednesday

    I'm so happy for u, that u have been able to completely turn your life around. I can only answer for myself.It is so hard to leave jws. the hope of living forever is hard to give up. and for me, i keep hoping for reform in the org.i come here to "see" that i was right about this religion, and it helps me not go back to the KH. So, i am using it like a AA support group. For me jws are like a drug, i need to not take that first drink. My husband and i are dysfunctional due to this. I would like to find worldy friends, he is still afraid of the big "A" . So we live in this strange little world i call purgatory.

    We used to be very outgoing people and have many friends. Now we are shunned and a few people still say hello and all, and i still have 2-3 couples i know, all seperated by many miles. Our association is our family. My husband seems content. I am not.So for me, this board provides some association. How long i will need it, not sure. I too feel the need to warn others, and hope someday to be able to openly be able to do that.

    What u and your wife have done is ideal. So happy for u.

  • Flip
    I just wondered why others do and if they ever felt the same as me.

    I probably would have to agree with you if the Corporation was a benign one.

    Just as with once Brand Name automobile tire manufactures, some place must be made available to bring evidence of shoddy, if not dangerous Religious engineering to the attention of the consuming public, in the interests of safety.

    Edited by - Flip on 27 January 2003 2:46:0

    Edited by - Flip on 27 January 2003 3:0:0

  • Debz


    Excellent post - thanks....I think people join up here for many reasons, mine are not to lament about the past ..moreso I think I enjoy a `common` understanding and experience. I find that people that have a common experience can relate to one another in a way that others without the experience cannot.....I enjoy most of what is posted save for some that would like to dirupt at any cost, most people here to I find have a deeper level of knowledge that seems to be missing out there. Another observation is that a lot of xjws are curious people and that is always a great quality to have.....anyways good on you for the post!

  • nightwarrior


    You and your wife seem to be looking for (the Elixier of life ) which we know what it is but we dont know yet how to reach it, you have trod down the paths that many of us have ridden down,i say ridden as when you ride you are not as immersed within the organization & there trappings ,as in a steel coil of invisible tentacles being wrapped around you allso squezing the life out of you in turn restricting your thinking poweres,,along this thread the tentacles try desperatly to emesh themselves across your immediate family and all relatives ,but some have the strength within themselves to release themselves from this enslavementthe friendships which you used to have ,as allways have proven very fickle,in a word meaning not real, you have also found out that these type of friendships only remain subject to you and your wife acting and performing in a certain manner,.You instigated a reversall of life within the tentacles ,which allso leaves cause and effect,

    you appear to hold in scorn the other persons whom have escaped from the control you once over them ,your looking for that mirracle which will justify whatever resonings you may still harbour,you say you are still tainted with a type of religion ,well firstly GOD IS NOT RELIGIOUSE,


    all man can actualy achieve in this life is to recognize that there is a god a creator,allso recognize that man needs some sort of religion ,as he beleives this keeps him a little closer to god,know this that there are many lost souls out there,whom need connection to the creator and are wondering around lost ,as allways we have inside of us residue left by the borg ,which are mostly untruths and wrong thinking ,allso you know deep down inside what you must do with your life ,Which is to love your fellow man,and what else is up to you.

    dont try to change the people you meet,accept them for what they are,you must allso become the good samaritan ,whom will be acceptable by every man.

    Maybee you should allso use your talents a little wisely,in warning others about the pitfalls of life as a j.w

    its not the fact that ex borg members relish in gossip concerning the administration and its downfall rather the opposite,they are now free to voice there freedom of speech ,giving examples and outcomes of how others have been affected ,covering pain sorrow hurt and familys torn apart ,we use one voice to condem,the manipulation of the borg and one voice to build up brokenhearted individuals and familys,

    with you condensending attitude you seem to have i couldnot care less attitude ???have you found life outside the borg so meaningless ,if that is the case then you need some therapy and your therapy start with yourself ,yes the next point is do you want to help others whom have ,or may go through what you have experienced if so what advice would you give them ???? be positive

    have a nice cup of english tea.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Whyhideit, your on the right track. Get out and enjoy life without feeling condemned. I've been familiar with the org. since 1948. I'm luckier than most on this board, in that, the org. didn't have a strangle hold on me as much my mom did. My mom was a domineering person and once I got away from her begining when I was 16, it was just a matter of time (to long) that I broke loose from the org. I was always involved in sports and religion was a functional exercise though I enjoyed the D. activity.

    I was in and out of the org. throughout my life which helped me to see the other side of the coin. I'm glad I married a non-witness as she got me to see the other side of the coin, actually her father did and I have no regrets. I have met other helpful people in my travels who were not witnesses. It has taken time and that's why I count time (patience) as my best friend. Your intelligent to know that events will work out for you, just let them unfold. Only you and your wife know what's best. Enjoyed reading your post.

    Guest 77

  • roybatty

    Interesting post Why. I guess the reasons for coming here are differnt from person to person. Personally, I come here for a variety of reasons. One, I simply enjoy the many topics that are discussed here, most of which are non-JW. I find the posters here to be smart and I love the radically differnt opinions. Secondly, my young kids and family are still JWs, so I like to keep up on the latest JW news. For example, info on the blood issue has been great.

    I guess I agree with you about the results of harping on the negative and it does seem that outlets like this one can feed this desire. However, I don't view this as an "ex-JW thing." Some people, perhaps even most, are inclined to do this. People bitch about politicans, but then don't vote. People bitch about how their childhood sucked but then ignore their kids. People bitch about the wolrd going to shi* but then don't volunteer to help out in the community. Some people are just inclined to bitch about life and never do anything to about it.

    Glad to hear the you and your wife have done well. Stick around the board and you might have a differnt opinion.

  • mouthy

    yes I too found your post interesting-- I am so happy for you that you have your wife to discuss this with---I agree with you in part.I dont NEED this board I managed for along time before I found it.(10 years to be exact) But I slaved for the WT- in my younger days-healthy days-now I am old ,sick,alone( cos the borg has my kids)I came on here after much urging- because I had been helping those who have been given the left foot of fellowship from the Tower... Why am I here???? First -I was wanting to help others who was alone when they were ousted. Then I came here to help others!!!But you know what happened?I found others here helped ME!! You might say they stroke my ego! True!!!!!But after being called names,beaten,rejected for being a JW-I am finding it soothing to the soul to know someone cares about GRACE! But in truth-I too wished I could leave it all behind & go on with my life ( what is left of it)Never talk about the JWs again.....But I have folks who are calling me everyday-they have been kicked out-I asked MY GOD- when I left-- to use me in any way HE wants-I believe he does use the "broken vessels"of which I am one.But I say to you> God Bless >go on with your wife- find that place as far away from the Borg as you can get.I believe God -died for the more abundant life- which you seem to have ...I am very happy for you. I wish I could have written YOUR post.((((hug)))

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Roybatty, YOU hit the nail on the head! We gotta move on with our lives or else.

    Guest 77

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