Assembly memories

by freedom96 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I remember baking in the hot sun, with the outdoor district conventions. They would go on and on and on. The only thing I liked about them was lunch time. Back in the day, then I could grab the little coupons, ten to a page, each worth 10 cents. Tear them off, and get in return that Hoagie sandwhich, maybe some pudding, or maybe the bag of fruit. Don't forget the big choice of either Shasta cola or Lemon-Lime. Sometimes, in the 70's they would have a chocolate malt/ ice cream that you could get. As a kid, this time was ok, because then I could hang out with my friends. But then, of course the talks started all over again. Just torture. Those stadium seats would get so hot. My family often thought it was disrespectful to drink or eat during the program, so we would have to sit through it all. Hot and thirsty. And in my family there was no getting up to use the bathroom or get a drink. And then it would get late afternoon, and if you did not have direct sunlight, all of a sudden it would get very cold, and sometimes windy. No happy medium. Hot or cold.

    Later our area switched to indoor conventions, so at least weather was not a problem. But the meetings were still boring as hell. I would get so pissed at the one day that just would start a little earlier, but end at least an hour later than other days. What a waste. One of the only relief I thought was when a new book would come out. Then there was an excuse to look at something else other than the boring ass speaker.

    As a young adult, and my first real full time job, having to ask for time off to go to the district assembly. Oh, how embarrassing. Didn't get to take time off for something fun, like a real vacation or anything. Just time off without pay to go be bored. Of course, everyone asked, if it was so horrible, why did you go. They just didn't understand. Not that they ever could.

    How many witnesses actually really enjoyed these assemblies? Did anyone really? Not that we could have admitted that then.

  • Shutterbug

    Back in the 70's we attended an assembly @ Sunland Park race track near El Paso, Texas. The temp on one of thise days was 107 deg F or 42 deg C, if my math is correct. We were out in the sun much of the day and it was miserable. The restrooms had zero air circulation and smelled of urine. Listening to boring speeches under those conditions was pure torture. Bug

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    These assemblies are a pointless waste of time and money. The fact that several of them continue to be held in sweatbox outdoor venues (Philadelphia's Veterans Stadium until just this year) despite the availability of nearby, albeit more expensive air-conditioned indoor properties, speaks mroe eloquently than do any of their critics as to the lack of WBTS's concern for the flock's well-being.

    Although they would be loathe to admit it, many if not most JWs detest these events, especially since they force them to waste a good chunk of their annual vacation days to sit and swelter while being bored to death and bullied about by attendants.

  • NameWithheld

    This is still a really iritating event for me - I watch my family who cannot afford to ever have a good vacation, scrimp and pinch to get them and their 3 kids to these horribly boring "we are so great" pep sessions. And do you think that the WTBTS could actually hold it in a convenient location (the major city they live 15 mins from)? Hell no. Make 'em drive 4 hours so the WTBTS can save $100.

  • RubaDub

    I remember as a kid at Yankee Stadium in the late 60's buying those little battery fans from the vendors outside the stadium. The heat was like ... incredible.

    But still not as bad as later years when we were assigned to go down to Vet Stadium in Philadelphia. That is the worst and hottest place I have ever seen. That Astro-Turf is just horrible. It just seems to hold the heat. And I never heard anyone say they enjoyed an assembly there.


  • Nosferatu

    I actually have an interesting experience from the last convention I attended.

    This was the first summer after a year in the new school I was attending. I was living a double life. I had met some people in my classes who were JWs. The thing is, they didn't know I was one, and I never let on. To them, I was probably the most worldy thing they've ever seen.

    Anyway, the convention was fast approaching, and I was trying to figure out how to deal with running into these people. I was thinking to try and avoid them, but I knew someone would surely see me. So I decided to face it and shock the hell out of them.

    You should have seen the look on each one of their faces - it was priceless! "What are you doing here?" they would each ask. Most of them had double-takes. It was just priceless! I told them that I really didn't want to be there, and it would be much appreciated if they didn't say anything at school about it. They agreed, and never let out a word.

    Also, at another convention the previous year, I remember anxiously waiting for the last talk to end so I could go home, change, then go & visit my worldly girlfriend.

  • freedom96

    What is sad too, is that these assemblies are not even a motivating time. This is not a motivation type rally, where people get excited about a certain cause. Sing a song, listen to a boring speaker, sing another song, have a prayer, clap but don't whistle at the end of a talk. Woo Woo! How exciting. You would think they would do whatever they could to make it an enjoyable event, and make everyone realize how great they have it by being witnesses. Oh, wait, they couldn't if they tried, could they?


    Does anyone remember back in the 70's when the assembly would last all day and night. It was start like 9 or 10 in the morning. Then you would take the lunch break and then come back for the afternoon session. Then there would be a dinner break and you would stay unitl almost 9 at night. No Joke. Is that not crazy. How can a child sit through all that. At the time you had no choice. Just do as you are told and like it.

    The only fun at convention was hanging with my friends and standing on the wall watching girls go by. Then when you go as an adult there is nothing fun about them at all.

    Assembly memories...Yeh I have them. And they are all BAD!!!!!!


  • Francois

    You shoulda been with me 96, you shoulda been with me.

    Gatlinburg, TN, winter, snow is two feet deep. I've got a room with hand rubbed wood panels and a fireplace with all the wood I can burn. The liquor store was next door. I'm not sure who was taking advantage of whom, the sisters that were in and out of that room during the programs, or me and my buddy. But it was great. Your number backwards. And the entire time I was a JW, I made certain that where ever the assembly was, there could be close encounters of a different sort than that taking place in the assembly hall.

    You should been with me.


  • RubaDub


    Yes, I remember those looooong days too. They didn't end the assemblies until 9 at night. You talk about misery!!!

    We went to Yankee Stadium in New York and naturally a lot of the GB would give talks. You just always hoped that Bro. Franz wasn't on the evening parts, especially the last talk of the day. I recall one night he went on until almost 10PM and even my parents, who would never say a bad word otherwise, were really starting to get pissed. I mean, we had like a hour subway ride to get to the hotel. It was well after midnight by the time we got to the hotel then we had to get up early again ... what memories.

    *****Rub a Dub

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