Chew the facts....

by Jb9963 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jb9963


    If anyone at all would reply to this, it would be great. First off I'd like to say I only want mature people to reply, so that should cut down on some of the flak that will indefinitely be received for posting this. I have a few topics I would love to cover with you Jehovah's Witnesses. First off, to start the fire, Does your organization teach about more than one true God? Second off, if anyone knows their history, could anyone tell me why the world didn't end in 1914, 1918, 1925, or 1975, as predicted in the Watch Tower. I have copies of the exact edition it came from, if you need the direct quotes, ask me. Please email me instead of replying on here.


    Jared B.

  • Gizmo


    Just where do you think you are?

    Oh dear,

    Go click on search above, and type in the 1914, 1918, 1925 and 1975 and while your at it type in 1874.

    Have fun

    A whole new world will open up to you,,, that mature ebough for you?

    Have a nice day

    seriously though do that, spend a little of your time before you post again, and if you have any more questions,we're glad to help, but first search ok?


  • setfreefinally

    Probably just another troll. I cant believe he was serious. Was he?

  • Jb9963

    So no one has yet to provide a real answer, or even a mature one. I would like to focus on the first instance first, about the theory of one true God. Then we can branch out into the dating game. Email me with replies please, I won't be on the board much.

    Thanks for nothing so far,


  • Buster

    Thanks for the chuckle Jared - the biggest reaction these old bones can handle. Seriously though.

    To answer your questions: Yes, our organization teaches about more than the one true God. You see we have teachings that encompass all manner of topics. For instance, we teach an unquestioning loyalty from our followers - to the extent that we'll split up their families if they don't comply. We teach an emotionally healthful separation from the eveil, Satan-dominated world that everyone else belongs to.

    Second, we never actually predicted the end of the world in 1914, 1925, etc. That rumor is spread by a well-publicized minority of our well-intended but mislead followers. You see we never actually said, but some certainly inferred, and unbeknownst to us, passed it along to others. The truth is, we adhere to our new light, wait for Jehovah, and will never flag in our devotion to the society Jehovah God.

    Wanna join?

  • Gopher


    If you expect a mature reply, then post with maturity. Insults will get you nowhere on this board. If you come aboard with some insight and respect, then you will get the answers you seek. If you come in here flaming away, expect to get burned.

    By and large Jehovah's Witnesses are prohibited (as if their organization could prohibit it) from getting spiritual and biblical information from anywhere outside their own publications and website. So that's why very few JW's will see this and even fewer will dare post out of fear that their organization will find out and "deal with" them.

    On this board, we are mainly people who have been on both sides of the fence -- inside the organization, and now outside. The beliefs that are now held by the members on this board cover a complete spectrum from atheism to fundamental Christianity. Well not 100% complete, but fairly representative of English-speaking nations. So you won't get one pat answer to any of your questions here.

    However we do know what the JW's teach, most of us have been there and could explain their side of things.

  • StinkyPantz

    There is no God (and I say that maturely). BTW, did you bother reading any of the other threads to see what kind of site this is? If not, try it out, you might find something out about all of us you didn't know.

    Edited by - StinkyPantz on 27 January 2003 23:47:48

  • maximumflash
    I have a few topics I would love to cover with you Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Might help you a bit here Jared, my wife and most others come to this board to discuss the same you have mentioned. Not because they believe it but because most here are EX- Jehovahs Witnesses, not active Jehovahs Witnesses.

    I come here to gain a better understanding of the religion she was a part of for so long, a religion you will find most here on this board call a cult. I still dont understand half of it but the people here are more then helpful and friendly.

    I think Gizmos point to you was to look at the posts to find that most here are EXs and DO NOT follow the teaching of the faith anymore, if anything they would most likely agree with your pointing out the failed prophecies another thing which I find hard to grasp as so many stayed even though it was proved the Witnesses were wrong.

    Those practicing the Jehovahs Witness faith as I understand it would call this site and those posting to it Apostates.

  • justhuman

    Maybe he didn't understand that in this forum we are all APOSTATES other wise he/she wouldn't post this question

  • Sentinel

    Have you not been reading here for very long? I question that, because of the way you address your post. This is an entirely different forum than you realize. Or else, you do realize, and you know what you are doing.

    I'm NOT an apostate, but I'm certainly not a JW anymore. I was once part of that org, an active and loyal participant for a big part of my life. I have since seen the light, as most of the posters here. I would not wish to frighten away any JW that is still active, and is questioning his faith. A person has to begin somewhere. This is a great place.

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