.... this year, by a conservative estimate.
How is your year shaping up?
by SixofNine 22 Replies latest social relationships
.... this year, by a conservative estimate.
How is your year shaping up?
I don't think that my year is going any where near as good.
GRRRR! Slow by those estimates...
Someone save me...LOL
The keyboard has been quite active????????
anyone else care to share?
sure Sixy- you go first
Six of Nine:
Where did this thread come out of ?????? HmmmmActually the count is much higher errrrr hmmm Kinda stopped my heart there for a sec.....hmmm errrrr whooooooWelll what will you all think of next.
<errr of the well ridden class>
LOL at Dottie
I've had 20 rides, but none with SheilaM.
Christ, what kind of thread is this?
Well, the forum is Dating Relationships and Sex, take your pick!