Anybody have any "REAL" experiences of spirit/demon activity? I'll explain.
by runForever 44 Replies latest jw friends
I've had some very odd experiences that were really freaky but could nevertheless still be explained via natural phenomena and/or coincidence. They did not convince me that any of man's conceptions of the spiritual world are true, but they did open my mind to the possibility that some sort of energy is out there that is higher than all of us. So I went from being an atheist to an agnostic. I believe that there may be a higher power, but that man has no concept of what it is or anything else about it. But just because man is ignorant of it, does not mean that it does not exist. -
Island Man
mana11, I can think of one possible explanation for the experience with the dogs howling in a chain sequence.
Dogs will generally howl in response to any sound that they perceive as being similar to a howl. For example, you may have noticed that dogs will start howling in response to the sound of an ambulance siren. In their dog mind, the ambulance siren sounds like the strange howl of some strange dog. And since dogs are social creatures, when a dog hears a howl it usually howls back in response. So when we put these facts together a very plausible explanation arises for the chain howling phenomenon that you experienced. Here is what could have happened:
A dog some great distance away at "ground zero" (too far away to be in your hearing) heard the sound of an ambulance siren or some other sound produced by some kind of equipment or machinery. The sound of this equipment or machinery was interpreted by the dog as being the sound or howl produced by a very large and vicious alpha male threatening to attack. Or maybe it was interpreted by the dog as being the sound of an unidentified and unknown horrible creature - perhaps the sound of some now extinct predatory creature that terrorized dogs' ancestors in the past. (A fearful response to the sound of such a creature, leading the dogs to issue a warning howl and take evasive action, would have provided an evolutionary survival advantage and so that trait could have been selected for and passed down to modern dogs.)
So when this dog at ground zero some great distance away heard the sound it responded in terror with frightful howl. Now because of the social nature of dogs, the next dog within hearing hears this howl and howls in response then the next dog in the hearing of this other dog also hears and response - a domino effect is created and the howl travels from dog to dog all the way from the source sound - which was too far away for you to hear - all the way down to your neighborhood. And the domino effect of the howl gives you the illusion that something is traveling and disturbing each dog when it comes into proximity. In reality though, its just the howling equivalent of a "Mexican wave".
Island Man:
A dog some great distance away at "ground zero" (too far away to be in your hearing) heard the sound of an ambulance siren or some other sound produced by some kind of equipment or machinery. The sound of this equipment or machinery was interpreted by the dog as being the sound or howl produced by a very large and vicious alpha male threatening to attack.
Indeed. And you know what also sometimes generates noise resembling howls... wind. It is unremarkable that howling wind might set off dogs howling. Nothing to see here.
just the howling equivalent of a "Mexican wave"
Yeah, that has happened periodically in my last 2 neighborhoods. It could be a stray cat or coyote wandering around, or it could be a chain reaction with no real trigger. Dogs do seem to do that. Coyotes do it as well.
rip van winkle
Yes. I believed my mom became demonized. She was never a JW. I looked for demonic things in her home. I found some spiritistic objects and threw them away without her knowledge.
My mom's behavior had suddenly and drastically changed. It was so bad and I was so distressed that I called the elders and asked for their help &/ or advice.(I was a baptized jw for @10 years and had only 1 shepherding call in that time) Anyway, met with them that evening and instead of helpful words they grilled me as if I did something wrong. The meeting lasted @2 hours and I left more devastated than from the start. That's another story.
Anyway, some time had passed... One day my mom just couldn't walk without falling or veering off to one side.
At the ER, I finally found out that the demon that altered and controlled my mom's behavior was named Brain Tumor.
rip van winkle.... I am very sorry about your mom. That must have been very difficult to go through.
However I don't think your story is that similar to mine. I have worked with people with traumatic brain injuries, mental illness, and cognitive disabilities. I have seen some very crazy things when working with this type of people... however none of it ever effected me how the experience with the Lady did.
When you have some sort of trauma in the brain... The symptoms tend to be with you most if not all of the time and the symptoms tend to be progressive. With this lady there was NO symptoms till she was prayed over and very few symptoms afterwords.
rip van winkle
Oh well Brain Tumor was the metastasized demon and not the original demon source. -
Brokeback Watchtower
I think different archetypes can become activated which might produce a sort of demon possession or take over physical body functions from the ego. -
A very long time ago,I had JWs as over night house guests..
The next day I was reported to the Elders
They claimed they heard noises in the basement,then suddenly the room they were sleeping in would warm up..
It happened many times over the course of the evening,it Had To Be Demons..
They were terrified and never slept all night..
I had to "EXPLAIN" to all the "JW Half Wits"..
The Basement Is Where The Furnace Is..