Congratulations Ven !!!!!!!!!!!! Now, if you can find a commercial use for moles, I'll make us both rich. Bug
YAY WHOOHOO I did it I Graduated!!!!!
by VeniceIT 63 Replies latest jw friends
Fantastic Venice!
Is that like a mathmatician?
My most sincere CONGRATULATIONS Venice!!!
Wishing you the best...
Congratulations VeniceIT!!! ..........your resolve and determination will inspire many.
Thanks everyone it does feel good!!!!!
TR ummm I didn't say I was a plastic surgeon hon hahahhah!!!!! how about a nice close shave with a straight razor (not that we learned about that hahah )
Shutterbug, they're your beauty marks
"So here's your first professional question: can you recommend something for Rosacea? I've been fighting it with oral and topical antibiotics, but it keeps coming back."
ahhh Rosacea I have two aunts with this and am prone to it myself. Although the actual cause is 'unknown' they do contribute it to a microscopic parasite. R is aggravated by the Sun, Spicy food, alcohol and extremes of temperature. Make sure to treat your skin as VERY sensitive never use anything abrasive on the areas of R (like a scrub or anything). There are skin care lines that are specially formulated for R. Use soothing products like Aloe or Chamomile/Azulene. Since it most likely is parasitic and is greatly affected by food keep an eye out for what you've been eating when you have a break out, and see if there is something you might need to eliminate or tone down in your diet. Make sure to see a derm for an accurate diagnosis, but also PLEASE read the contraindications and side effects of ANY drug prescribed. I haven't really looked into this too much, but if I hear of anything more I'll let you know.
Congratulations Venice!
It must feel awesome to complete college which is something we were prevented from doing while in the borg. You deserve all the good that comes from this.
I started college a year ago and when I get my degree it'll be another reason for me to say "FUCK YOU wt."
Congratulations Venice!
Congrats Venice!!!!
Let us know where you'll be working so we can give you a visit and of course, providing ya with business too