JW Elder Lawsuit Update: AAWA Fliers are Illegal and Uncle claims he is "Going to Kill us in Court"!

by ReligionOfHatred 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ReligionOfHatred

    Thank you for the kind thoughts and constructive examination this post needed, will work on presenting all happenings in a coherent and logical manner.

    If he's bringing the person who abused my mom on our property(pass through or access) is it wrong to put up AAWA or FBI signs?

    OUTLAW - My favourite ! Sky Pie ...................oh yummy !!!
  • Listener

    Rather than focusing on whether putting up the signs is illegal or not you should focus on what you would gain out of doing this. Is it out of retaliation? Do you expect positive results?

    These problems have been going on for a long time and the issues are getting worse, not better which probably means that it is not being handled properly. It probably never will be and if that is the case you need to be more concerned about how you and your family can best come out of this with the least damage.

    It might mean losing money or a sense of justice not being done. These are things that many good people in this world lose out on. What you don't want to happen is that you or your family become so absorbed in this that you become bitter and depressed.

    There are times when 'turning the other cheek', although difficult, is the best course. Don't sink to their level.

  • ReligionOfHatred

    Here's the facts, one of my friends whose daughters were victims of a pedophile posted a letter to attorneys on a website, guess what they said! He's a bigger Activist than anyone, he had two kids like the Santa Ana Pedophile, his daughters were molested by the most famous Pedophile and we have become very good friends now! The elders down in near San Diego County told him to "Shut Up!". He's part of a big movement and wrote this for me, we have good friends here!


    "If you or children ,or anyone for that matter is being sexually abused they can and should report to autorities for investigation and possible charges. Cease and Desist letter is just a letter on attorney letterhead that may use latin and some strong language, but the reality of it is all that it is as a "Please Stop Now." If has no legal standing or bearing on posting general (not naming names or making false accusations) public service or awareness fliers. As for defamation - slander is spoken / libel is in print - written or published defamatory statement, and both are components of defamation suits. This is an area of law that provides a civil remedy when someone's words end up causing harm to your reputation or livelihood. Defamation varies from state to state, but generally to prove it you will have to show there's been a statement that is all of the following: published / false / injurious / unprivileged. Truth is a defense. Because of Free Speech and 1st Amendment issues the pursuits of these claims/cases are costly and protracted. Consider consult with an attorney in your jurisdiction with the specifics of matter and for file review on rights, responsibilities and options moving forward. Click on "Find A Lawyer" tab above and you will be able to figure out best option"

  • ReligionOfHatred

    Basically they have no rights to demand my parents refute their First Amendment Rights, is that correct? If they keep bringing the Pedophile out here, I will blanket his area with fliers and my parents area too, their harassing us by bringing out the man who raped my mother! Someone sent us his "Publisher Card" in 2009 or 2010 so I gave it away to someone for safe keeping, he's a clergy member I respect, not a JW so he's sworn to secrecy and hate's pedophiles. Mom also has this Pedophiles Apology Letters. The Publisher Card just warns about "keeping a eye on them around small children and their not to be let free with them in Field Service or social events, that's basically it!

    The AAWA Letters are "Public Awareness and can't be construed as harassment, he wanted to sue the FBI for the Find Fredrick Fliers, my dad did not post these signs, he was at a lawyers office for two hours. He has many friends who are part of the JW Pedophile Awareness Movement, so they probably blanketed our entire region because my Aunt flaunt's the Pedophile in our face. She knows he sexually abused my mother (her sister) from age 4 to age 7-8 and is trying to hurt my mother psychology, what would you do if the property does not sell quickly and she keeps bringing out the sex offender who hurt my mother?

  • ReligionOfHatred

    His wife is writing emails to people saying my dad has been vandalizing their car and trying to kill them. How can this end peacefully when they have done nothing but act like Bullies. He's your worse nightmare on a Judicial Committee and told me private information about a brother who would eventually kill himself "He's not repentant, he's smoked cigars and gambled' I told him "Hey, he's taking Abilify 30 mg, Seroquel 1200 mg and is in and out of psychiatric hospitals, this brother would tell people and you could see how much emotional pain he was in." The brother who got DF'ed told me "I hate that man, he was the most wicked man I ever met. In all my years of dealing with the elders and there's many because of my mental illness, your uncle is pure evil! I hate him, I think Satan put him in place to test us all, watch your back!"

    This brother killed himself because the stupid doctors allowed him out after a 5150 and those idiots basically let him kill himself. He was such a good man being hurt by mental illness, he loved God and his sense of overly examining his short-comings caused he to take his own life. When you have people like my uncle tell me "He's getting DF'ed, you better talk to him before Tuesday night because were not tolerating gambling and cigar smoking". How can you DF a mentally ill brother that's so fragile he wants to kill himself for sinning?

    I begged Uncle Jaundice to show mercy, compassion and love like Jesus did to the woman who committed adultry and other's wanted to throw rocks. He would actually have picked up a rock and hit that poor woman, he's not very loving or merciful.

    I watched the Aug and Sept Online Meetings, they are not following anything the Organization is telling them to do. The Governing Body does not want evil people, they want those who love each other. They can't control everything happening in the Kingdom Halls, all they can do tell people "If you don't show love, you don't belong in our religion!". Maybe I'am greatly wrong, maybe the GB does not care if elders and Cos don't have love, maybe "Shit flows down" and that's why there is so much hatred many good JWs must endure!

  • brandnew
    Ummmm kick his @ss ☺
  • Simon
    Basically they have no rights to demand my parents refute their First Amendment Rights, is that correct?

    Please don't cling to "First Amendment Rights" as any protection or stick unless you think there is some civil rights issue happening.

    If they keep bringing the Pedophile out here, I will blanket his area with fliers and my parents area too, their harassing us by bringing out the man who raped my mother!

    Has that been proven in court? Of not then it's just a claim you are making that others can chose to believe or not and the person involved can chose to ignore or prosecute you for.

    Mom also has this Pedophiles Apology Letters. The Publisher Card just warns about "keeping a eye on them around small children and their not to be let free with them in Field Service or social events, that's basically it!

    Again, making accusations about someone is meaningless unless you make them int he right place - court. If you have "evidence" then that is something to present to the authorities.

    The AAWA Letters are "Public Awareness and can't be construed as harassment, he wanted to sue the FBI for the Find Fredrick Fliers, my dad did not post these signs, he was at a lawyers office for two hours.

    I think if someone is putting up fliers and handing out leaflets claiming that "some" out of a small and identifiable group of 3 or 4 local elders is a pedophile then those people have very well have recourse to take action. Just because you don't name an individual doesn't mean you aren't labelling them.

    If I was a local elder and was not involved in doing anything wrong then I would certainly view your actions as harassment.

    I'd also be wary generally of sending out letters that other people have penned. They have their own agenda and that may involve making other people take risks on their behalf. If you are sending letters around that make accusations then those accusations are coming from you.

    If you don't think you have enough evidence to accuse them in court then you may not have enough evidence to defend yourself either.

    what would you do if the property does not sell quickly and she keeps bringing out the sex offender who hurt my mother?

    Go see a lawyer, report it to the police, try to get a restraining order, not put myself in the wrong.

  • Alive!

    You sound distressed beyond words with so much toxic stuff happening in your family.

    Hope letting it all out here is helping you in someway.

  • ReligionOfHatred

    Simon it sucks the pedophile waited for the statue of limitations to expire and confesses his sins because if the Elders would have told us, we could have sued back than. They intentionally waited for California's Law to expire before letting us know he was being removed forever and he came forward with his confession, there is no justice is there? I have always loved how rational you are, smart and well spoken, few people have your writing skills and abilities, do you realize how many of us deeply respect and look up to you and your wisdom, you are a good man!

    Would a Defamation Case be the key to showing he's abused her if a Judge demands the Kingdom Hall to turn over all the key notes from his judicial committee? What do you think, is this the only way for justice?

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