Not to judge here, and as a caveat, I've been away for *years*, but I just cannot imagine being able to stomach the meetings. Even now, when I read a bit of the literature, it just seems wacko, sleep inducing, and poorly written. The though of going to a meeting makes me sick: I'd personally be a hypocrit to even set foot into one of the KH's. Now, I'm not saying that I dislike all JW's as individuals, but to me going to their meetings at all is showing support for them as an org, which is something I cannot imagine doing.
But, years ago, when I was trying to break away, I think I DID taper off the way some of you folks are. I was always a closet meeting loather (2nd generation JW). Now after being away so long, it's REALLY an incredible freedom. Funny, how JW's say the world is so enslaved. I feel exactly the opposite.