There is a rat on this forum

by jesusstolemyhotrod 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    I think they know about me here, too. All you need to do is post a general threat to any who want to harass you (nothing illegal, of course), such as telling them you'll call their employers and get them fired for being bigots, harassers, peeping toms, stalkers, etc.

    That you'll find every one of their relatives who aren't JWs, call them and make them aware of the elders bad behavior, and make sure that they never speak to them again.

    If they want to make you play by their rules, then THEY have to play by their rules. If they want you to lose your family ties, then they will lose their families ties.

    So far, it's worked for me!:)


  • moana

    hot rod:

    Be proud - you did wonderful. They are people that are twisted and live in a strange cult world & 2C you happy makes them crazy. Living in fear is not for us - we choose to have freedom.

    Peace baby

  • Mulan

    I know two others who are threatened with judicial action for being on this board. Their screen names were known to the elders. Obviously there are "watchers".

    If you don't want to get caught by them, be more anonymous, by what you say.



    I'm sorry to hear about that creepy elder visit. . . kinda spooky. . . there are lotsa jws lurking, though, and maybe even someone who knows you personally. The lurkers usually end up posting in here eventually . . . and next thing they are spilling their guts about how badly they were treated while a jw . . . and that they have left.

    Be cool. . . just avoid those creepy elders. . . if they come again, just don't answer the door, or if they catch you out in the open somewhere say, "Can't talk. . . got an appointment!" and keep walkin'!

    Whatever happens, you are still better off on this side of the KH doors!

    Take care,

    Your new sis,


  • kls

    maybe the rat is giving you a push in the right direction? hummmm i wonder

  • Ed

    It's got to be the elders themselves. Really, who would be dumb enough to approach them and admit they were reading this stuff, especially if it was just a suspicion? That's a bit like saying: "Brother Pious, I'm really concerned....yesterday I went to see a porn movie and I saw someone who looked a bit like Brother Hotrod in the seat three rows up from mine. I think you should confront him and find out for sure."

    Now really?

  • freedom96

    It would be very gutsy of the organization whether bethel or the local hall to assign anyone to monitor a board like this. For no matter how much of a organization man they are, something will hapen to give just a little doubt eventually. But, I no doubt imagine there are some who you will never change their mind. Everything said on here will be nothing but complete lies as far as they are concerned.

  • Valis

    Who knows you are using this forum? Any JW around you, family or otherwise? None of your posts so far have contained detailed info like names, address, or phone numbers, to pinpoint you out of the whole slew of XJWs that show up here. Did you reveal something in chat and can you remember who was around? Maybe your location or otherwise? Possible email correspondence you have engaged in since coming here? I find it hard to believe that after just 17 posts the elders come looking for you because you came here. Maybe because they have decided to start harassing those that have drifted away recently and can be found, but surely not because someone is ratting you out here. Not based on the vague anecdotal experiences you have shared so far. There would have to be a many monitors that knew specific info about every congregation and family to track you down, especially if you don't say your name or give out your email. If I'm wrong then I apologize. I just find it hard to believe.


    District Overbeer

  • BeelzeDub

    They said that someone had been reading something on here, and read a posting from a guy whose brother killed himself whil df'd, and whose circumstances seemed to match mine.

    If they bring it up again ask them why they did they not follow the instructions of Jesus at Mathew 18:15. and instruct said person to come to you directly. They should be ashamed for ignoring and bypassing Jesus instructions on dealing with settling faults. According to Jesus that person should come to you directly NOT the elders. Then wait for the rat to call you, if they don't the elders should back their asses up.

  • larc

    When I first came here two years ago, my wife was concerned because I was prone to giving out personal information. Hell, I have been out for 40 years, and I don't care what they do to me. My wife is somewhat more concerned because she has more family than I do that she cares about and wants to keep peace with. Well, my wife has finally come to the point where she doesn't give a fork either.

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