Do You Like Telemarketers? Fix 'em!

by LoneWolf 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoneWolf

    This won't stop all of them, but it will slow them down.

    Gary North's REALITY CHECK

    Issue 118 February 20, 2002


    Most Americans don't know that the major personal
    credit-rating agencies are allowed to rent the names and
    telephone contact information of everyone in their files,
    which probably includes you. This is a major source of
    names and phone numbers for telemarketers and banks that
    are promoting credit cards through direct mail.

    If you don't take specific action to stop this fully
    legal invasion of your privacy, it will go on.

    A little-known federal law was passed in 1999 which
    forces these credit agencies to set up an "opt-out" program
    for you to secure privacy for your name and contact
    information. This requires a call to a toll-free telephone
    number. Very few people know about this phone number.

    The mailing list rental business is very profitable.
    These companies have no incentive to shrink the size of
    their lists, which would shrink their income. So, they do
    not widely publicize this opt-out option. You won't be
    seeing an "opt out now" ad on prime-time TV.

    On their opt-out phone tree, they give you a two-year
    name-removal option as your first choice. They do not
    offer the permanent removal option until #3, the final
    option. When you call, WAIT FOR OPTION 3.

    You will be asked for your phone number, your address,
    your name (spoken and spelled), and your Social Security
    number. Go ahead and provide this information; they
    already have it, and a lot more. The point is, you don't
    want telemarketers and direct-mail solicitors to be able to
    rent any of this information.

    If you do nothing, then you are implicitly saying,
    "Come and get me! I love junk mail! I love it when
    telemarketers call me!"

    Call this number:

    (1-888-5 OPT OUT)

    After you provide the required information, you will
    be mailed a form that you must fill out in order to be
    removed from all of the companies' list rentals. Fill it
    out and mail it back.

    I hereby authorize you to forward this warning to
    anyone in your e-mail address book or on your in-house e-
    mail list. Very few people know that their names are now
    being rented by these credit agencies. They don't know
    that they can put a stop to this practice with a phone
    call. They deserve to know.


    I just did this myself. When they asked me for my phone number, there was about a second's pause, then a voice comes on and says that they "just checked our data base and the address associated with that number is 36929. If that is correct, press 1." It was. The whole thing is automated.

    Hopefully, this will "throw a hitch in their gitalong"


  • cruzanheart

    I have my own telemarketer solution: the kids. When Jennie was little she answered the phone and it was a telemarketer. She thought it was her daddy disguising his voice (which he does to tease her) and she gave that telemarketer holy hell. Finally she stopped and handed the phone to me, saying, "I don't think this is Daddy." He was a shaking wreck when I got him! I think I'll let a basset hound answer next time - nothing like a good ARROOOOO to get your attention!


  • Sentinel

    Thanks for this info. The only problem I would have is revealing my social security number on the phone. We are constantly being warned NOT to do that, and even warned not to have our SS# as our Driver's License Number.

    I wonder if they would allow me to "skip" over that part, as I don't mind giving the other information

  • joannadandy

    Minnesota just instituted a Do Not Call far it hasn't worked...we were told it would take until January to take effect...nearly febuary, and still get those damn calls at dinner I am skeptical...

  • RunningMan

    You guys should be ashamed of yourself - picking on poor, defenseless, telemarketing firms. How do you expect corporate America to sell its credit cards, insurance, and salvation? The next thing you know, someone will come up with a do-not-call list for JWs.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Texas has a $3 deal where you can put your name on a list and they can't call you. It's totally stopped all the calls to our house. When we did get calls, though, either a nice sports whistle or saying "hold on", putting the phone down, and letting them wait usually was a nice revenge. But that gets old. Remember the Seinfeld show where Jerry Seinfeld said he couldn't talk at the present moment, but asked for the telemarketer's home phone number so he could call him later that evening? Heh.

    Thanks for sharing the number ... I'm sure they'll be getting many calls from this group... heheheh.


  • Mystla

    My SO has comeback that I can't wait to use.. I'm actually looking forward to the next telemarketer!

    It's so simple, I'm sure you've heard it before.

    When they call, let them start and then break in with "excuse me, I'm sure you've heard this before, but.." and hang up.

    I'm too nice, though, and will probably wait until I've told them I'm not interested a couple times, but if they keep going after that...


  • LoneWolf

    cruzanheart --- LOL! Love those kids! They can sure come in handy sometimes!

    Sentinel --- Believe me, they already have it.

    joannadandy --- Don't blame you for being skeptical. The telemarketers will do anything they can to get around it. But at least the government is working on the problem. Hopefully it will come to pass soon.

    RunningMan --- Yeah, I'm a big brute. Hehehehehehehe!!!!!

    Country Girl --- Beautiful! Now if we could only get it extended nationwide!


  • ColdRedRain

    I used to work as a telemarketer so I could shed a bit of light on this.

    Joanna, as for our DNC law, it only applies when you're actually selling something, not setting up appointments.

    RunningMan, if you want to pick on the telemarketing firms, simply don't buy their products. Your average telemarketer is usually a young person trying to get extra money, and it's stressful on us when we're cursed at. Be nice to them.

    And as for telemarketing, I could never see it being against the law simply because if you take away telemarketing, you take away quick and easy jobs for people. The government wouldn't risk taking away so many jobs, especially at this time of the economic cycle.

  • Bendrr
    Your average telemarketer is usually a young person trying to get extra money, and it's stressful on us when we're cursed at. Be nice to them.

    The average telemarketer who calls me is either some smug pushy Yankee, or someone who can barely speak English. Neither of which I have any patience or mercy for when they interrupt my personal time.


    Edited by - bendrr on 28 January 2003 19:26:50

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