Three Reasons Why the 'Truth' Isn't True (#1)

by metatron 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    Some scientists have been brave enough to ask the questions I've merely repeated.

    Obviously, some genes are turned on and some are turned off in creating differentiated
    organs - but that isn't an explanation, it's really more of a tautology ( it happens
    because it happens).

    Again, these objections are not original with me. What many people fail to realize
    is that scientific exploration is running out of CAUSES. You transmit life with sperm and
    egg, you transfer the genes to another cell, you find that they do not contain a blueprint
    and ...........go on this way UNTIL game over, you're stuck without a clear plan , program
    or recorded design.

    The same goes for physics, once you hit the quantum level - Bang! game over! That's
    the basement floor of reality - all further efforts at reductionism end.

    This 'end of the line' for attributable causes of reality is why a spiritual revolution
    is overdue. It will happen, by default - and I'm not afraid of prophesying it! I became
    this way because I strictly believed in determinism and hard causes for everything. I finally
    gave up, realizing that ultimately the universe is ARBITRARY once you run out of causes.
    -- and that's where the human race almost is now.


  • peacefulpete

    I'm sorry for arguing, I did not know you weren't well Metatron.

  • funkyderek

    Metatron, I'm still not sure I follow your reasoning. Our knowledge of the genetic code explains almost everything about physiology and inherited traits. What it doesn't explain appear to be only minor details or poorly-understood mechanisms. Everything about life appears to obey the laws of chemistry and physics. It seems bizarre to extrapolate something mystical from this. It's a "god-of-the gaps" argument that explains nothing.

  • metatron

    "Some reading is in order"

    Good advice


  • metatron

    To me, genetic science is becoming a street game of three card monte

    Nope, the queen isn't there - or there - or here. I don't account form or inherited
    design or instinctive knowledge as minor details.

    Let me try a different analogy: At a clothing store, they take your money and give you
    clothes. They don't make them or design them. They have no program or design for sewing them
    together, yet they are responsible for getting you your clothes, etc. There is a connection
    between paying for your stuff and getting it - but the store doesn't have sewing patterns
    or plans for making them.

    Another analogy: Your TV set receives programs. It does NOT contain programs. It does not
    originate programs. It receives them. If you fiddle with the knobs or internal circuits,
    the picture and sound may be distorted (mutation) but that does not prove that the programs
    originated in the TV.

    Is a human being really only 1% different from a chimp? Can everything about human form
    be reduced to 30,000 genes? Where in the code does a spider learn how to spin a web, raised
    apart from its parents? Where in genetic code is a dog's 'greeting' behavior, inherited
    from wolves, and gained apart from its parents? Where in genetic code is a physical map
    of the earth, with timing instructions needed for migration, gained apart from parentage?

    A hundred years ago, some scientists proclaimed that only a few problems remained and physics
    would be finished, done....

    but then came quantum theory and relativity - because other explanations failed.

    I'm predicting something like that will happen again


  • Sangdigger

    Metatron, some interesting points there. I am doing a kind of prolonged personel research on the "Soul" right now, and one thing you touched on made me realize how much the WTS dismisses things that other folks call a mystery. Their logic seems to be; if you cant understand it, it must not be true. I think there are some things that do call for just plain ole faith. But if they cant give some scientific reasoning for it, it must not be true, like the Trinity, or the immortal soul. Much like athiest who point their finger and scoff at things that arent physical or material, or cant be explained with the human mind, they basically do the same thing.

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