Some scientists have been brave enough to ask the questions I've merely repeated.
Obviously, some genes are turned on and some are turned off in creating differentiated
organs - but that isn't an explanation, it's really more of a tautology ( it happens
because it happens).
Again, these objections are not original with me. What many people fail to realize
is that scientific exploration is running out of CAUSES. You transmit life with sperm and
egg, you transfer the genes to another cell, you find that they do not contain a blueprint
and ...........go on this way UNTIL game over, you're stuck without a clear plan , program
or recorded design.
The same goes for physics, once you hit the quantum level - Bang! game over! That's
the basement floor of reality - all further efforts at reductionism end.
This 'end of the line' for attributable causes of reality is why a spiritual revolution
is overdue. It will happen, by default - and I'm not afraid of prophesying it! I became
this way because I strictly believed in determinism and hard causes for everything. I finally
gave up, realizing that ultimately the universe is ARBITRARY once you run out of causes.
-- and that's where the human race almost is now.