according to the census bureau the median houshold income in the US was 42.000$ in 2001.
for white americans 44.000$, blacks 29.500 and hispanics 33.500$.
per capita income: all races: 22.800$; white: 24.000$, black: 15.000$; hispanic: 13.000$.
data are collected for all people inthe sample 15 years old and over. Money income includes earnings,
unemployment compensation, workers compensation, social security,
supplemental security income, public assistance, veterans payments,
survivor benefits, pension or retirement income, interest, dividends,
rents, royalties, estates, trusts, educational assistance,
alimony, child support, assistance from outside the household, and
other miscellaneous money income. It is income before deductions
for taxes or other expenses and does not include lump-sum payments
or capital gains.