And Still The Parents Persist

by Valis 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    They just don't stop... I talked to my chickens yesterday. BUT I got yet another instance of my parents meddling and trying to set up a study w/the mother of my children...grrrr...My mom was talking to S (the mother of my kids) about quitting smoking and you know what my mother said? "If you would like I could arrange for a Jehovahs Witness from your area to set up a study with you.." ... How in the hell would setting up a home bible study help S quit smoking? WTF?!?!?!?!? What this boils down to IMO is my parents getting to my kids.....I told them once not to do that and what makes them think that proselytizing S doesn't come back to that very same end?! I want to call and tell her off and make it clear to her that it will not be tollerated any more goddamit!!!. Its a good thing S likes her Mormon friends and they've been awfully nice to her and my kids. *LOL* She mentioned this to my mother and how she thought JWs might want to try some charity work..*LOL* Dog bless good women! *LOL* S is by no means religious ...How could you be and have my children?, which gives my kids a good buffer between reality and the insanity my parents have persued since they were old enough to make an adult descision. If I call I'm just fanning the flames, but the frustration of not calling keep the coals nice and hot... Have a nice day everyone.


    District Overbeer

  • LovesDubs

    Honey you NEED to set some ground limits here. Those are YOUR kids she is positioning herself to indoctrinate. TELL HER to keep her cult to herself or she might end up NOT allowed to be around your kids unless accompanied by an ADULT supervisor.

    Really pisses me off that the JWs freakin think they can just BOWL OVER everybody elses opinions, everybody elses parental rights everybody elses faith...shit.

  • SixofNine

    How in the hell would setting up a home bible study help S quit smoking? WTF?!?!?!?!?

    It works like this: the witness "teacher" makes the bible student (in this case the mother of your children) feel really guilty about all the trashy sex they are having. The student (in this case the mother of your children, heh) tapers back, and then, after one last desperate and particularly slutty episode, quits with the trashy sex. Suddenly, there is no longer a need for after sex ciggys. Bada boom, bada bing.....

    C'mon now Travis, wouldn't your feelings be just a little hurt if these sincerely brainwashed goobers just wrote off your chickens as if it were a givin that they are birdseed? Besides, it gives you a reason to reason with the kiddos on just how ridiculous religious beliefs are. It's not like any reasonable person would choose this religion. All you have to do is raise reasonable children.

  • Valis

    Greetings LD, I have talked to them about not pushing their JW bullshit on the kids, which ended in them not talking to me for about 8 months. How many times does one have to say it to them? And the idea that my mom could call and set up a study is irritating in itself....kind of like a freakin octopus arm that reaches and reaches and reaches...


    District Overbeer

  • freedom96

    One of many problems with witnesses is that they believe that the answer to all problems is being a better strong little witness.

  • mouthy

    Well to be fair Valis---- It was the JWs that stopped me from smoking- ( by fear yes) but Your Mother has probably heard of all those that DID stop smoking by coming into contact with the JW. So in fairness she is probably thinking she is doing a good thing in her heart..If I was you ( did you say Good God !!NO-not Mouthy)I would get a nice card ( if you do love your Mum) I would send it to her -tell her you love her ( if you do) then express the fact that you do not want her talk about studying with JW----Of course if your kids are even hooked into anything Mormon- they are are a downward course. Sorry if this offends. But you know me!! Mouthy--- Of course if your a teacher who am I to tell you- ???? Sorry

  • pettygrudger

    Boy Valis - when it rains it pours aye? "S" must know of your background w/the JW's - hopefully this will be enough to prevent your folks from getting their religious beliefs to far along. Plus, if you keep pointing out all the wonderful family holidays & traditions that go right down the tubes w/getting mixed up w/the JW's, hopefully this will be enough to make her think 2x.

    Sounds like you've really got your hands full right now with all different factions of "family" (what a term aye?).

    Also, once again my sympathies & well wishes to Ambush - I hope he's doing okay.

  • cruzanheart

    I agree with you, Valis - your mom is trying to go in the back door to get to the kids. Granted, she may think this is the absolute best thing in the world for them, but it's still your business as their father and S's business as their mother to raise the children as YOU see fit. If she wants to quit smoking bad enough, she will.

    I know it's frustrating for you, since they are so far away and you can't just bop over to your mom's house and have it out face to face. But you may have to. My mom was the type of person who would keep pushing and pushing and the only way to combat it was to push back, over and over again. We had to set the boundaries over and over and over again, because she'd accept it for a while and then try to cross them again.

    Stand firm, O District Overbeer!


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Sounds like your children's Mother is well aware of the kid's Grandmother's religion and prolly will not want a study anyway.


  • Valis

    Thanks all for your comments..

    sixie....yes I agree about reasonable children and yes it is better that they show concern, but you know as well as i do that it could be done without the Theocratic Warfare.(TM) On the naughty book study visual...eheheh that's the best thing I've had in my head all day. Thanks sixie!...

    hey mouthy...maybe I will try the Mouthy's Greeting Card(TM) For when you really need to say I love you now stop that! *LOL* About the mormon thing...I was none too happy to hear that S went to church every once in a while, but I met several of the people she goes with, they are her friends and a couple are her employees...they really helped her and my kids out when they moved to South Texas...and her family is well known and good friends with all of them so its a very nice atmosphere for the kids to be in...oh and they refer to themselves as "jack" mormons...which means most of their services end up in a picnic down by the beautiful Guadalupe River with a case of beer and some BARBQ..eheh...and they are anything like strict adherents....not pushy or judgemental and very giving to each other and strangers like me who they had in their homes for a meal and just hanging out. To answer my children are not being raised as mormons per se...more like around some mormons I guess...You and I know that yes there are SOME nice people in the world that are christians...*LOL* I just wish more of them were that way. That is the least of my worries!

    petty....more like Family if you spell it FAILURE...

    cruzan, I could drive to my parents house and have it out with them...but it would end badly AGAIN I'm sure....just like the last knock down drag out phone call I had with them about this very subject...sheesh...

    Country're right about that, I guess one of the reasons that it irritates me so much is that it shows they don't care what I think in the end.


    District Overbeer

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