They just don't stop... I talked to my chickens yesterday. BUT I got yet another instance of my parents meddling and trying to set up a study w/the mother of my children...grrrr...My mom was talking to S (the mother of my kids) about quitting smoking and you know what my mother said? "If you would like I could arrange for a Jehovahs Witness from your area to set up a study with you.." ... How in the hell would setting up a home bible study help S quit smoking? WTF?!?!?!?!? What this boils down to IMO is my parents getting to my kids.....I told them once not to do that and what makes them think that proselytizing S doesn't come back to that very same end?! I want to call and tell her off and make it clear to her that it will not be tollerated any more goddamit!!!. Its a good thing S likes her Mormon friends and they've been awfully nice to her and my kids. *LOL* She mentioned this to my mother and how she thought JWs might want to try some charity work..*LOL* Dog bless good women! *LOL* S is by no means religious ...How could you be and have my children?, which gives my kids a good buffer between reality and the insanity my parents have persued since they were old enough to make an adult descision. If I call I'm just fanning the flames, but the frustration of not calling keep the coals nice and hot... Have a nice day everyone.
District Overbeer