The whole watchtower was crap
How are people not waking up???
by OneFingerSalute 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
And yet, while anyone is still mentally in, they just won't see this information as anything odd...
So the "organisation" is on a par with or equal to "gods kingdom" then?
But didn't G Jackson say "that it would be presumptuous to say we are speaking for God as his mouthpiece"?
"beautifying the Organization"??
Oh, I get it... LIE about how the Organization™ cares more about donations coming in than actually protecting children of JWs from predatory child molesters in their midst.
Invite unsuspecting families to join JWs in Worship™ of [Jehovah] The Organization™, when it has been established that they further abuse victims of child sexual abuse by forcing them to recount their abuse to a panel of Elders™, in the presence of their abuser, without an adult support person (such as a parent) present.
y'know... I think I'll pass on that. I'd rather scrub toilets in a leper colony than be responsible for directing innocent people to join that damned cult.
I was wondering the same thing, What does 'how long we have been in the truth' have to do with it?