Hi, I am a 19 year old married female interested in sincere Jehovah's Witnesses to be my penpal. If anybody is interested, please email me. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
Is anyone interested in being a penpal?
by teshababe 13 Replies latest jw friends
teshababe.......would love to help you out but don't think I would be the penpal you are looking for!
~Christy of the NOT a sincere Jehovah's Witness anymore
HEH,me too...
Sorry,but you are in the wrong place.
I'll be as sincere as you want me to be Tesha honey, just drop me a line.
Edited by - sargon on 29 January 2003 18:21:13
I am a 19 year old married
wow.....so how long have you been married teshababe?
Most of us are not Jehovah's Witnesses, though we do know a great deal about the religion. Sorry, if you are disappointed. There are some websites that might be more suitable for you. One that comes to mind is: Purelanguage. There are others, but I can't remember them now. Perhaps, another poster can tell what they are with the actual links to them. Sargon, that was not very nice.
You'r right larc,
Beat me with a feather, I removed the offensive bits. Been a long time since ...
Try this site: http://groups.msn.com/jehovahswitnessesontheweb/jwotwmissionstatement.msnw
You have to register and be approved, but that is the site for active Witnesses. This site is mostly populated by people whose minds have been enlightened enough to leave the organization.
Curious, though, as to why you would need / want a penpal. When I was a witness, I was always busy with studying, service, "good" association, etc.
Why did you have to go and do that? The link I mean, read a few posts and now I want to stick two digits down my mouth.
Thanks everyone who sincerely wanted to help me. I'll try out the links.