Yes, it is so bad now. Would you have preferred to live in the 100,000 or so years before 1900 when the average life expectancy was 24 - 34? How about in cities during the 1700s and 1800s when cholera and TB were killing millions - problems that have largely gone away with hygiene, water/wastewater treatment and medical technologies.
You whine about what you and others don't like about the right now. Trade it for some other time in our recent or distant past. Pick a time. Humans were far more violent than now, and the haves and have nots were determined exclusively by who had the largest sword or biggest army. The distribution of wealth doesn't solve all of the problems, but it has led to a better standard of living for the have nots than at any time in human history.
For 100,000 years there were no programs such as welfare, food stamps, social security, medical and healthcare insurance. You whine because things aren't perfect and claim the current situation is evidence of Last Days. Dear god, we are living in Paradise compared to the first 100,000 years of human history.