The bible
Horror by finding about too many people making important life decisions based on the nonsense written there, thousands of years ago in archaic languages and written at the time when humankind was the most naive about the world around them.
I found that I can have/have has (so far) a great life having that concept out of it altogether. Nothing bout that concept bother me, and I feel good about not giving a damn one way or another.
It will always remain a theory since we cannot travel back in time and witness what happened, but it really makes a whole lot of more sense than the story of some woman coming out a man's rib, and some serpent tempting them... you know the rest.
The existence of Satan was my first doubt about all Christian religions. The existence of that character makes a lot less sense than their Jehovah.
There's plenty of historical proof that Jesus of Nazareth existed and was in fact a real person. That's as far as I care about Jesus, and that's all I needed to find out. Other than that, everything about Jesus being the son of God, walking on water an resurrecting people is nonsense. I like the South Park and Family Guy Jesuses better.
Religions in general
The most important things I learned about religion in general are:
- They are to be respected as they do play an important role in society. Some people need it in order to have a sense of structure in their lives, a way of socializing, and access to some community services.
- They should exist and remain, in fact, considering the insane raise of violence in the USA, and all the hate, and all the racism, and all the crap that people waste their time doing, religion seems like a better alternative.
- Just like anything else, religion can be abused and used for malicious purposes. Religious abuse is the cause of many mental health problems in people (source of information as to why I say that)
How did the information you found affect or change your whole belief system?
It has made me better informed and sensitive to other people's feelings and believes. The most important thing is that it took away that ridiculous grandiose attitude that many JWs develop for being in "the truth" (I was no exception). In reflection, I cannot believe how disrespectful of other people's believes and feelings I was. If you see some of my posts, imagine me when I was convinced that I had the one and only truth.
The more research I'm doing the less I'm starting to believe in anything to do with the bible, religion and God
If I can suggest or opine, research, read and learn with no expectation in mind. Don't do it to proof anything right or wrong, just listen, read and research and keep an open mind. If at all, you will be more human and sensitive to why some people hold on to what they believe.