2015 March-Our Kingdom Ministry!

by Atlantis 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis

    Is the Watchtower having problems with meetings for field service? Are field service meetings being viewed as "less" important than other meetings?

    2015 March, Our Kingdom Ministry.

    Click the link by the blue arrow.
  • ShirleyW

    Tried to open it, while i was waiting for it to open my Norton Antivirus gave it red x and said it was unsafe to open and has been removed.

  • sparrowdown
    Didn't look at the link, but where I live, meetings for field service have been on a downhill slide for years now. You would be lucky if two people turned up. The GB would have to be aware of this trend , if it is a universal one , which I suspect it could be.
  • wannaexit
    Meetings for field service are not meetings. Who are they trying to kid. Most times very few people show up and then its a rehash of the magazine presentation that was usually already done at the mid week meeting. They try to spiritualize everything and anything.
  • sowhatnow
    well how many different ways is there to place magazines? really once your shown how to do it what else is there?
  • Atlantis


    Go to jw.org main page and click on "Publications" at the top, and the next page will have "Kingdom Ministry" on the left.



  • wifibandit
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Low attendance and viewed as less important? Reminds me of the old Tuesday night book studies. I vividly recall how WT stressed the importance of the congregation book studies. Every CO visit it was hammered on how low book study attendances were and needed to be brought up from around 70% to 100% or better. I was in congregations that were constantly switching locations, and trying different days, including Saturday and Sunday... with no real success. And WT claimed that during the tribulation those book studies held in homes would save our lives since the KHs would be closed down.

    Then, out of the blue, WT discontinued these meetings. Why didn't they do that back when I was a kid? It would have saved hours of my time every week!

    Maybe it's time for WT to call it quits with meetings for field serve-us?

  • label licker
    label licker
    Thanks for the chuckle, Atlantis. I liked the one where if there are no brothers that the sister would wear a head covering and be seated. Oh, and if a young baptized brother shows up to the group that the elders will decide if he's old enough to take the group. If not, then the sister takes the group and if the elders feel he can give a prayer, then he's allowed. Is this this the outcome of baptizing children too young????If they are not sure of him taking the group or even saying a prayer then what in the hell questions did the elders go over with him just before he got baptized???
  • Godsendconspirator
    When will they realize that preaching is useless not because of the way it's presented but because people don't really care. They've become the physical version of email spam.

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