Comments You Will Not Hear at the 2-2-03 WT Study

by blondie 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Thank, JCMac. I enjoyed your comments too. I used to read these articles and make comments in the margins. I could have been DF'd over some of those except they were in code.

    JWs are "sheep" but instead of following the master's voice, Jesus Christ, they follow the voice of men. Not much different than Jesus time when people followed the doctrines of men, the Pharisees. Jesus spoke up and was put to death. I'm not ready to be put "to death" but I slide in a comment here and there.

    Last week the study conductor 'er' overseer, wanted us to fill out our blood 'er' medical directive cards. I said, "We went 2 years with these ones; I suppose 2 more weeks won't matter."

    That made someone else the book study remember that we had these for 2 years and wondering why again.

    Well, this is one sheep that is not following them off the cliff.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Blondie,

    thanks for the comment, things are very clear..!

    Btw " wanted us to fill out our blood 'er' medical directive cards. "

    I'm sure that you meant "...wished " or???

    and your answer:

    " I said, "We went 2 years with these ones;

    I suppose 2 more weeks won't matter."

    Allow me Blondie...just b r i l l i a n t and straight

    in the face.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • archangel01

    Yeah, Why doesn't God just read everyones hearts and let that be it. The WTS thinks that they are are going to rule man for a 1,000 years.No fu@king way!I believe ALL religon is false and God is going to get rid of them all soon.Every faith has there OWN bible that backs up there OWN believes so all their bibles are wrong. You can't add to it.So I ran out and got a reg. str8 up Bible that was not altared in anyway shape or form.An Man there is a BIG different.Reading My New Bible is so understanding and at the same time truthful.Everything is starting to make more sense to me.The WTS make people not read the bible only.They don't believe in just using the bible....Why?Jesus only used the bible or his fathers words not mans.So the WTS go against what jesus taught.That Borg is not heathly and false.Also thanks Blondie for the study you rock. Everyone read IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM BY RAYMOND FRANZ its a great book and with show you how bad the WTS really is.Take care friends

  • blondie

    Thanks again, JCMac. It think the holy spirit led me to those words.

    Hi arch. I wish I had some of your energy. Thanks for the vote of confidence. And to be mentioned in the same breath as COC, a tome of much more effort than mine small pittance. You keep reading that Bible or better yet Bibles. I usually check at least 8 at a time thanks to Bible Gateway. It has been illuminating. I am just starting to use a Greek lexicon from time to time. My little JW brain is so unused to this thinking.


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