Very well said.
But you and so many others put sooo much into this program behind the scenes and in publicizing the program. You are deserving of thanks.
Many people behind the scenes provided interviews not used. Resources, support, publications, their own experiences, jurisprudence, but in a 40 minute program only so much was used. But without the support and effort by so many it may have never gotten off the ground.
Thanks to Leora, Linda and Karma (sp??)at the CBC for doing all the leg work and putting it all together too!!
The intent of this show was never for it to be about the advocates, like Bill, Barbara or the guy in the shadows.
This was about the survivors of abuse growing to become survivors of a cult that re-abused them. It wasn't about bringing 'down the tower' but making them accountable for the harm they caused to so many.
To Mike, Heather and Holly, Vicky, and those not mentioned in the show but who's stories meant so much in geting the message out there. THANK YOU SO MUCH
Every story, tear shed and experience shared with the CBC contributed to the overall show and it would not have been as well put together without that input.
Here's to the real heros! The survivors of abuse both roaring and silent and all inbetween!!