W5 last night.Hour long.JW,s and child abuse

by Survivor1 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • hawkaw

    Welcome back Vicki ...

    ... you are truly a hero and you "rocked" the other night.

    Take care.


  • Scully

    (((((((((( Vicki!! )))))))) Good to see you posting again!

    You did an AMAZING interview for The Fifth Estate. I know they probably did hours of tape with you, far more than the few minutes that was shown, but I wanted to tell you that out of all the interviews that were shown, my JW dad seemed to be the most affected by your story and what you had to say. That's saying an AWFUL lot!!

    Feel free to drop me an e-mail any time.

    Love, Scully

  • reporter

    Vicki, you're a classy person, thank God they had you on the show. That was astounding. And since you're close to my age, you represent our age group very well! These are the ones who mostly have utilized the media and the internet today, and are the future of the WTS, but, the thing is, we are waking up to the Society's systemic root problems and are walking away...and the Society would be very worried for it's future: us!!

    I grew up in a small town, too, coincidentally, not too far from Shelburne...in fact I know lots of people from Grey, Bruce, Waterloo and Wellington counties since I moved around a lot. I appreciate how one can quickly become a "pariah" in the small town were rumor and gossip quickly spread.

    Once again, excellent job, and please stop by here often!!!

  • needs_lots

    Thanks all!

    You are right! They did hours of interviews with the intent of running mostly my story. But because of the lawsuit being unfinished, they had to edit. Oh well, I think the story turned out well. Iam a mother of 3 little girls, and I am finally getting my life together now after 10 years of pain. I can really feel for mike moss. He is in a bad place now. I will try to call him tonight, and get him to post here for support.

    Hey Hawk! You have been such a great support to me and my husband. We can't thank you enough. I think even some jw's are getting the picture. They don't seem to be as negative as before when they thought the governing body was perfect. Big surprise.

    Love to all! I will to try and check posts more often. The trial has taken a big chunk out of our exspense budget, so we have had to cut out our internet hours.

    Keep up the great support you all provide, and kisses to all who came to my trial.


  • happysunshine

    Hey Vicki!-

    Great Job! Well done. You guys have made a massive impact, even in places you don't realize right now. Please send our support to Mike. Only 18 months?!? What the hell? Please keep us posted as to the developments. I was watching through tears of anger.

    The show brought back memories of the east coast. I remember going out in service with Clive Thomas a couple of times in Halifax. I'm not surprised he's the PR man, as he worked as a reporter before being a witness. I really don't agree with his position. Going after the perpetrator and not the WT only cleans up their legal/image problems. Its like trying to get rid of weeds by plucking the flowers off- it only stimulates growth. The root has to be dug up to kill it.

    I also remember that strong-arm, face the agressor bullshit that some elders use. Bruce Nickerson tried that with me about his son's conduct. It stopped working after awhile though. His pioneer son Derick eventualy got wrapped up in his own rope, was 'cerimonialy/temporarily' DF'ed, and the bombastic family fled to New Brunswick in shame, only to setup shop again I'm sure.

  • gydja

    Hi all!

    I am new here...I live in Iceland...

    I dont have any foreign channels, but I was extremely curious about this program u were talking about!! Could someone please tell me specificly what it was all about..


    Gydja from Iceland

  • Dia


    Is there a transcript of the show available anywhere?

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