What fruit of the spirit did you have?

by JH 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance,against such is no law.

    Did you have all these when you were a witness?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Yes, but in varying degrees.

    Guest 77

  • shera

    I tried very much,to have these fruits' of the spirit.I felt I was judged as being spiritually weak.

    It seemed all the so called strong ones,didn't have these fruits.

  • Beans

    I only gave the fruit!



  • mouthy

    Let me think now---Love? Well I do love-joy-?- I have joy--!!longsuffering??? Ow! I dont know about that,I dont suffer fools gladly--!!gentleness-?? No! I dont have that- I am hard hitting.Goodness? Not all the time( sometimes though)Faith? Yep !I have that!meekness ???Oh no way!Temperance ??

    Well if that means I am teetotaler ( wink) Yes I am!!! Did I have these Qualites in the WT. Well I told all I did..They must have believed me- cos they said If I was a man I would be an elder...You all KNOW Elders have ALL those fruitages dont you ????

    What did I hear you say????Now Now- if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all...lol.

  • Scully

    I honestly tried to develop them all...... I still do.

    But the one that I found I had the most need of, as a JW, was "long-suffering". It just seemed like I couldn't do anything right...... it didn't matter how loving I was, or how kind, or how much joy I had, or how good I was, how much faith I had, or how I showed mildness or self-control (which was another one I worked hard to develop in terms of holding back with some of them)...... many of the JWs I knew seemed to take great delight in dumping criticism and unkindness on my family and me.

    Oddly enough, it wasn't until AFTER we left, that I finally found peace.

    Love, Scully


    I like peaches best!!! . . .'cuz they are juicy and sweet.



    ROTFLMAO @ BEANSY!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are soo bad.

  • Scarlet

    I believe the fruitages of the spirit are wonderful suggetions just like many things in the bible. Though we can not be perfect and attain them all we can view them as wonderful things and try our best to live as good people.

  • Wolfgirl

    I tried to work on them, but I was never good enough. I still try to be a good person, but I don't put so much pressure on myself.

    I really hated it when my parents said, "OK, this week, we're going to work on "kindness." We never seemed to work on joy or love.

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