Tonight my daughter and I went window shopping at Dockside Imports then swung by Super WalMart to pick up a new pair of pajamas for her to wear.
I pulled into the parking lot at WalMart, and parked rather far back, as the entire area was packed with cars. We goofed off, and I held her as I went skipping along. She and I must giggled our entire way up to near the front of the store, when I noticed a Father, Mother, and 3 boys approaching the same entrance.
The youngest boy, about 4 or 5 years old was little, so of course walking slower than the others. His father barked at him in such a cruel way to "Move his ass or he would beat it raw." Instantly, I felt my blood boil, and it took everything I had in me not to say anything. Then the Mother and Father began discussing how pretty soon both the other boys would do something like they always do when in public to piss them off. I thought to myself... "Like what? Walk too slow?"
As we got inside, I pulled out a shopping cart, and smiled as Emmie looked up at me beaming as I picked her up and put her inside the cart. See, when she looks at me, there is such a sense of warmth and admiration...
Back to the family of 5. The middle child, about 7 years old, went to get a cart and as he pulled it out he came within a foot of bumping into my legs, but of course he caught himself in time and brought his shopping cart to a jerking halt. His Father in response said to him in a voice dripping with hatred "Stop being such a moron and not be so damn quick to jump in front of everybody to get a shopping cart. You almost crippled the lady in front of you." It wasn't the words he said, more the tone of voice than anything that just set me off - the way he spoke... it was just cruel.
I turned around impulsively and said "Tell me, SIR, how would you like it if somebody spoke to you like that?" Well, of course, things got ugly, fast. I don't recall all what said, as the more they ran their mouths the more angry I became, so of course the brain tends to blank out a bit... I was not upset because they were yelling at me, but behaving in such a manner around their children.
I started to walk away, but they followed me, and the lines were very backed up, so literally dozens of people stood and stared at this episode. After they commented (with getting up in my face to the point I could smell their breath and see droplets of spit project out of their mouths) how their kids were behaved because they kept them inline... and then my response they abused the children... the next thing I know, the Father says to me "Step outside so I can turn you into a bloody pulp. I will keep you inline, the way nosy women like you need to be kept inline."
"No" I replied, "I will not. If you want to hit me, bring it on honey, right here in front of everybody." Then I turned to the Mother and said, "Do you see the way you are behaving in front of your children? Do you see the violence, the anger in you? You were abused, weren't you? In fact, you still are. It isn't too late you know, don't do to your children what your father and your husband do to you."
The Father at that point walked away... very angry and likely very embarrassed as I just said in front of a huge crowd that he was a wife beater. (Good, jackass, made you look like the sick coward you are.) Then I said one last thing to the Mother "Your children, they behave because of one thing. Not respect, not love, but because of FEAR. They are afraid of you both." Her response? "Good, you better be sure they are afraid of me you c*nt."
I walked away, making my way through the crowd, all giving me a look I have never seen before, so I can't quite place it, and giving the other family a look of pure disgust.
My daughter said "Mommy, why are they so mean?" I didn't have an answer for her, it is far too complicated to explain to the mind of a 4 year old.
As we got home and pulled into the driveway, my daughter got out of the car. She looked up at the dark night sky, littered with stars and clouds that shown dark gray against the black of the sky... and said, "Mommy, look up! It is so beautiful tonight, the stars, and I can even see clouds!"
You see, she can enjoy simple things as the stars at night because that little 4 year old asleep in her bed, she is LOVED, and she knows it. She doesn't live with fear, she is allowed to be innocent and enjoy everything in life.
I am sitting here typing this, knowing I am not explaining this evening events in the way I wish to express them. I am still so upset, still feeling sadness for the 3 boys who are jipped on their childhood. The world is such a sad place. If children aren't poor, or starving, so many are still suffering. What may seem on the surface as a good well provided for family can often times be a family that suffers, at the very hands of the ones who should be loving them the most, their own parents.
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by MrMoe 16 Replies latest jw friends
You have guts and I admire that. Chances are the kids got a good beating for "acting out so that we had to correct you and got embarrassed in public". But hopefully, just hopefully, their mom will take action and get the hell away from that father.
Thank you for standing up to them. Most abusers hide who they are in public. Since they don't bother....even going to the point of threatening you publicly....I shudder to think of what those kids go through at home.
Maybe if more people spoke out as bravely as you did, abuse would be lessen or eventually eliminated as the social pressure gets applied.
Edited by - Skeptic on 30 January 2003 22:52:44
You are a courageous and loving woman. Against that no man can stand. And your daughter is one very lucky little girl.
Wow!! Good for you. I don't think I would have had the courage to do that.
It makes me sad, that little ones have to go to bed at night knowing fear. I'll never understand how anyone could be so cruel to their own child.
Wow, MrMoe, you did a brave thing.
I hope those kids remember that you cared enough to speak up for them and know that the world is not their family only. There are people outside their family who care for them.
Hugs to you!
Mr. Moe:
I know that must of been nerve wracking and I know how your mind goes blank. But YOU did the right thing, you daughter has a great Mom. Maybe the woman will have a light go off next time he beats her "hey that lady in Wal-Mart" was right. If nothing else maybe the kids saw a STRONG woman stand up to their Dad and they will see you as an example an angel sent to give them a little peace.
You are great!!!!
You go girl!!!!!!!!!
I agree with you.
MrMoe, I don't know you, but I have to take not only my hat off to you, but extole my heartfelt gratitude to you.
That 'goon' you encountered, needed to be called on his stuff. I know how scary that is, but you had the fortitude to do it, and you had the utmost concern for that man's children. You spoke up, because something in you knew, that no one else, was speaking for them.
Some people can have kids - like that guy, and treat them like crap. Disrespect is taught, and those children, acting out in their own innate ways, react to their father in some way. You understood this, I'm sure. But 'daddy dearest' saw fit to berate them, no less, in front of others, and then when called upon his ineptitudes, cussed you out and became threatening. An defensive act, which indicates so much more...if you know what I mean.
MrMoe: you're wonderful and one helluva human being! Words escape me, but you make me proud to call you, a fellow human being.
Hope you and your family, are well.
Mr. Moe, you are to be applauded. Good for you. I have never seen anything as extreme as you described, but if I did, I hope I would speak up as you did, very corageous indeed!