Maybe someone can help me out here. I first bought a comparative study bible along with the new world translation, so I could compare the differences. My question though is this. How can I find a version that might contain the original text, side by side with english translation, or some thing simular. Any other advise would be appreciated as well, Thanx, Showme
Hebrew translations
by showme 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
This is a link to an auction for a Kingdom Interlinear translation. They come up every now and then. It is a side-by-side, word-by-word reference. You will see a line of Hebrew, and directly underneath it is a translation for that word. Then on the right you will see how the WTS rendered the string of words into a sentence.
I bought this one. Expect to pay between 30 and 60 for it.
green's interlinear
I hope you did not pay 30 bucksfor a Kingdom interlinear, theyr'e free at the Hall. A much better choice is the " The Interlinear Bible, Hebrew-Greek-English. By Jay P. Green It is the whole Bible and it is also referenced with Strong's concordance for easy word studies. My copy was about 30 dollars it is large and well bound. Sovereign Grace Publishers. check or other book selling sites (search book sellers) and you will find one used much cheaper I'm sure.
Peaceful: Yup. More than thirty. But I have zippo intenciones of going into a KH to save money on a book. Plus I feel like I'm supporting someone who left the org. Anyway, I thought he wanted a NWT version. I'm not really that much of a scholar, so I didn't know the other ones were available. I'm glad you could add the suggestion.
I don't quite get this - you refer to Kingdom Interlinear, but in case you don't know, the KI is a GREEK-English New Testament. The heading refers to HEBREW translations ..........
Green's is good, but one with a clearer English interlinear rendering is The NIV Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Tesament (John Kohlenberger, Zondervan).
I like Green's in that he gives his own translation in the margin, rather than the KJV. It's in more modern English.
The Kingdom Interlinear is Greek-English, BTW.
I was wondering that myself - thanks for asking showme!
and thanks for the suggestions, AlanF and peacefulpete, I have them copied down.
They do get pricey but are worth it for knowing what it actually says in the originals-- Of course most modern english translations are accurate-- its the NWT we have to worry about.
I found the ones I have on so you can take a look at them:
Zondevans Greek/english Interlinear with parralel NIV & KJV
The Hebrew English OT
I like them both-- since they are so pricey you can feel free to email me if you'd like a specific thing looked up and I can send you some scans.
For quick and dirty Hebrew and Greek Interlinear type research you can look the scriptures up on
The Hebrew lexicon is Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius Lexicon; this is keyed to the "Theological Word Book of the Old Testament" and the Greek lexicon based on Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary plus others; this is keyed to the large Kittel and the "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament." These files are public domain.
I have The Interlinear Bible by Jay P. Green, Sr. It's cool because it has both the Hebrew and Greek along with the English (A Literal Translation of the Bible). It's a pretty large bound book and it cost over $60.00 at the Christian book store.