Watch Tower Finances

by link 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gerard

    [Taken from, in an article reporting the top-40 New York City corporations.]

    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York

    25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, 11201


    Revenue: $951 million
    Industry: Publishing

    President: Milton Henshel

    Employees: 3,415

    It takes a lot of printing to supply more than 6 million Jehovah's Witnesses with the materials for their ministry. One publication, Watchtower, now has an average print run of 23 million copies twice per month, an increase of 7.5 percent over last year.

    "Our report for the year is different from a Wall Street company," said vice president George Couch. Indeed, the company's employees are volunteers who live and work in the Brooklyn complex.

  • Elsewhere

    46 Million copies of the WT per month?

    Where the hell are they all going??? If they are producing 46 Milling copies per month, then they could canvast every man woman and child in the US in about seven months.

    I haven't seen a WT in YEARS. Where are they all going? Is there a huge Bird Cage & Cat Litter Box convention going on somewhere?

  • link

    Its obvious from all the responses that the information is out there somewhere.

    The problem is that to make it meaningful it needs putting together in a way that the average JW (or anyone else for that matter) could understand. Whilst it remains in the accounting format its not going to mean a lot to anyone but an accountant.

    Does anyone have any comments on what has been put up so far or any suggestions as to how the information could be made meaningful, or put in such a way that it could be presented quite simply?


  • SloBoy

    Two reasons why most JW's would not be fazed by the true nature of the Society's worth:

    1.. For all their nay-saying about material wealth, the Witnesses, in reality, actually admire those that have much ( especially when they can say"oh yes, that's MY organization".

    2...The Witnesses see the Org. as their protector. A wealthy protector must mean a strong protector.

  • metatron

    What wonderful news! You mean the WATCHTOWER HAS TO BEG FOR MONEY!!

    Of course, Joe Average Witness will never come to his senses and ask "if Jehovah is
    backing them up, where's the cash?"

    I deeply hope they KEEP ON BEGGING - ENDLESSLY - at every meeting and assembly.
    Let the publishers feel NO DIFFERENT FROM other churches that do the same!

    Nothing would be more heart-warming than picturing the Watchtower ON ITS KNEES


  • Kenneson

    I remember when Witnesses would criticize priests and ministers for talking up money in the pulpits of the churches they used to attend. Wonder what will be next. Passing a collection plate at Kingdom Hall?

  • blackguard

    Jim (Amazing) Whitney PROMISED about twelve months ago "bombshell" revelations about the Watch Tower corporations. I frequent this forum solely to check if Jim has posted his promised bombshell research papers.

    I don't know if Jim has been threatened if he so posts. A dollar to a dime says Jim knows the answers to Watch Tower finances. Does anyone have any influence with Jim so as to obtain his research? Jim?

  • link

    I would agree that if you lived in an affluent area then belonging to an affluent religion would be an attraction, but most of the Witnesses that I know had to sweat for every cent they gave to the Society. For them, belonging to a wealthy organisation would be obscene and not in line with their teachings regarding the Merchants and Babylon The Great.

    Also this subject has the attraction that it cannot be seen as an attack on their religious beliefs.

    (a) They can clearly see that they have knowingly been given false information by their leaders.

    (b) They have been asked to go out and solicit donations on the basis of false information.

    I know many Witnesses who would be horrified to think that they were soliciting funds and supporting a multi-million dollar world wide organisation that has financial investments at the level of those given in the above documents. I truly believe that this would be a serious issue for them.



    Edited by - link on 1 February 2003 3:37:27

  • happy man
    happy man


    I must ask you wher did you find this paper , i think this was wery confidential, and here they are on internet, unbelvebel, also one of the latest, this dokument show that stocks is a littel thing , atleast in England, i think they get them from donaitions.

    I must say this is a topic how intrest mee most of all, when i read RF book and he say only one or two in GB now abuot where the money going, i was stuned, is it realy like this?

    I have also waited to here what JiM say, but he have a bad heartdesis, and perhps this is to much to take, even if you now something, it is not worth your life.

    When it comes to stocks, I have also heard that we have that, and that GB use the market, even if the usual JW never belive that, myself have be on the stock market fore a long time, and this have ruin my ekonomy, so how nows perhaps the same thing happend organisaition, even if I dont think they have so much so it can hurt there ekonomy, like I have, not so funny, but if you get in to this you have to take the result and dont blame others ,I can tell from our cong we send arond 1000$ evry month fore the litteratur, and we are only a littel cong, so it must be a lot of money, even if it cost to have all this roling on.

  • BluesBrother

    Just a quote from the "Proclaimers Book"

    *** jv 340 21 How Is It All Financed? ***


    As early as the second issue of the WatchTower, in August 1879, Brother Russell stated: "Zions Watch Tower has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never begnor petition men for support. When He who says: All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine, fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication." Consistent with that, there is no begging for money in the literature of Jehovahs Witnesses


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