You probably have smurfs living between your floorboards. Happens all the time. Try to find a good exterminator in your area.
My Ghost Experience This Morning
by rem 28 Replies latest jw experiences
I can't say for sure whether the squeaking was a hallucination or my brain was interpreting the noise upstairs as noise outside the room. It definitely sounded like it was right outside the door at the time. Once I understood what was happening, it seemed like I had control over the noise... like I could tell when it would happen again, but I don't really know. At that point I was just freaked out trying to go back to sleep so I could wake myself up fully. It is so weird how you can be totally awake, or at least feel like you are and still be dreaming. The rush of euphoric feeling is what was really weird... it's hard to explain.
This type of thing used to happen to me when I was a little kid, and I never knew what was happening, so it was quite terrifying. As an adult, it's probably only happened, say, three times over the past 10 years. I wonder if my staying in a strange place and maybe eating too late may have been a catalyst?
I probably should never take hallucinogenic drugs - I'd probably freak out for sure!
I may have experiences like that when i was a kid. I was just wondering, if your body was aleep, would that include your eyes? In other words, were your eyes open?
i've experienced something similar a few weeks ago. i was dreaming one night, and was lying on my side, when i felt a presence at the back of me. this brought me out of the sleep, but i couldnt move. in fact i couldnt even open my eyes. it took huge effort and will power to move my arm a few inches, but once i did move it i could then move normally. i never felt the presence behind me after that, so i just went back to sleep.
your mind can play tricks like this, but sometimes people experience things that are all too real.
I cannot say for sure, but it really felt like my eyes were open and I was looking around the room. My arms and legs wer paralyzed, but I may have been able to slightly move them if I really concentrated. Every time this has happened to me I've felt like I was fully awake and aware and my eyes were open. I actually have to convince myself that I'm in an altered state. Probably only outside observation would confirm if my eyes were open.
HSP is actually quite normal. I've experienced many times usually when I am over tired, or taking a nap. It was really scary at first but i am used to it now.
Our minds are powerful engines that are so complex we are often fooling ourselves and never have any inkling that it is occuring and I don't mean the type of paranormal events you've described. A perfect example is the desire to hold onto a belief system that is based on fear such as belief in a "Satan" that is a real entity and of course all His minions, the demonz! Other ideas of similiar ilk are "original sin" and "armegeddon". Slipping from self-delusion to deluding others is a clever ability of many the bible thumping itinerate preacher.
I would encourage you not to eat after 6:00 and get lots of water in your diet.
Very much agreed, Carmel!
Yeah, I think I've been suffering from sleep deprivation lately... so busy at work. Today was one of my first breather days in a while. Oh yeah, and no more eating late for me!
I don't know where this falls in terms of categorizing the experience and any names and explanations, but I do remember being awake but not being able to move when I was a kid - no hallucinations, the body was just not awake yet. I don't remember being freaked out about it, but it was just sort of like "What the hell..??"
Now I did have one scarey experience shortly after walking away from the witnesses, and that one was basically feeling a presence which I interpreted as a demon, yada yada. I think fear is a very important factor to consider in all of this, because if you are not afraid, then you will not avoid anything. When you react out of fear, the basic instinct is to get away from something which you perceive will do you harm in some way, thus the whole demonizing of apostates and all that. To perceive things clearly you just have to throw fear out the window, because even someone who is very smart and knows all about logic and such may use it as a defense mechanism rather than actually seeing what's true. Personally I just feel the adrenaline rush and the associated physiological reactions now when (which is rare) I sense there is the possibility of a physical threat, but neither anger nor fear. I actually think that's easier to do, mental stuff gets a little bit more subtle and people seem to get carried away more easily.
I too have had these bouts with sleep paralysis. I think I was about eight when I had my first encounter with this phenomena. After a while you get use to this and realise that it's probably something quite natural. Well that's until this same paralysis started happened to my roommate. This was unusual because she never experienced any of this type of phenomena. What's even more unusual is that we both started having the very same type of experience! The same nights and also about the same time, usually about 3:00am. We would both be paralyzed and have a sensation of "something menacing" applying pressure on the lower spine. This happens at least two to three times a month. The question is, How can we both be hallucinating or dreaming the exact same thing on the exact same night at the exact same time?? We sleep in separate bedrooms on diff. floors of the house. Also, this has been going on for about a year.