I hope no one on Jehovahs-witness.com gets caught for child molestation or any sex acts on a child because then we would get to see what it feels like having people make wild accusations and taking your disgusting act on a child and accusing all of us here of being part of a porn ring!
Everywhere we go we are surrounded by child sexual predators...... who are NOT in a religion. There are so many sexual predators it should come as no surprise that we find them in religion, politics, entertainment industry, military and every other place on this earth. No government or religion or any other institution has figured out how to prevent sexual predators from becoming an employee or a member of their faith and claiming to represent them while committing horrible crimes on a child.
The government has failed to prevent sex crimes and it has no idea whether those employed by the government are sexual predators who haven't been caught yet until its somehow revealed. If the mighty U.S. government can't identify and stop sexual predators why do we expect religions and other institutions to somehow have the answer? No one has an answer to this problem.... Every institution whether a government or otherwise tries to keep the horrible actions of one or more then one of its people hidden this is a common reaction made by nearly every one in the world.
I personally think whether the crime is committed in Vatican city, the government and every other place the police should should be the ones to investigate and handle the situation.
I will not be participating in a witch hunt. Let the authorities do their job.
Just my 2 cents.
I have placed a few links below of police chiefs, police offers etc all arrested for child sex related crimes. These links simply show that every institution has problems with child sex crimes even the institution that protects us from child sex crimes DOH!
law enforcement charged with child sex abuse