Just one lesson I learned at the kindgdom hall

by nilfun 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nilfun

    From a tender age, I have absorbed a great many lessons at the kingdom hall.

    A memory of one such lesson...

    A child approaches an elderette after the meeting...

    Child: (shyly smiles) Hi Sister Elderette! That was a good talk, huh?

    Elderette: (looks down at child) Why, yes, it was! The Song of Solomon is one of my favorite books of the bible.

    Child: (beaming) Mine too!

    Elderette: (chuckling) ...Although I think it's funny how some people think that the Shulamite maiden was black...(shakes her head)

    Child: But she was black, wasn't she?

    Elderette: No,no,no... She wasn't black! All the black people were slaves. You know, there's hardly any colored people in the bible at all, dear.

    Child: But why does she say she is black then?

    Elderette: (suddenly angry) She was not black! She was white! She was just out in the sun a lot! Working in the vinyards!

    The child stares at the elderette's pale hands and rememebers how in field service, after being out in the sun a lot,
    the elderette's skin always looked real red...but it had never turned black.

    Elderette: (between clenched teeth) Who did your hair?

    Child: (confused look) My next-door neighbor...

    Elderette: And is your neighbor a witness?

    Child: (hangs head down) No...

    Elderette: (smugly) Well then, maybe your mother needs some reminders about bad association
    and how we should NOT be having extensive braiding of the hair like that! (points to the child's head)

    A small group representing a cross-section of the kingdom hall has gathered, listening to the exchange between the child
    and the elderette. The child looks up at them helplessly. They quickly turn away.

    Later, at home, the child stares at her reflection in the mirror for a long time, then
    slowly begins to undo her braided hair...

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    The kingdom hell sure was a great place to go to get stomped on and ripped apart, wasn't it? I was always being critisized for my clothes or attitude or something. At least I wasn't a vulnerable little kid!

    Stuck up, self-important, heartless elderettes!!!


  • nilfun

    Hi WitchChild, thanks for reading.

    This memory is just a tiny splinter from that heavy yoke that was placed upon me as a JW kid.

    I've never forgotten the words of the elderette. I also haven't forgotten the silence of the onlookers.

    Yeap, she was stuck-up, self-important, and heartless alright.

    But what does that make those who stood by silently? Were they in silent agreement?

    Were they frightened as I was, and so did not speak up? If so, I guess they were ( at that moment) just as infantilized as I was.

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    But what does that make those who stood by silently?

    Were they frightened as I was, and so did not speak up?

    Yes they were sweetie. At least most of them I remember in one cong the Elders wives used to say They Were Not Elderettes while they came over to your house to nose in your business and make things worse instead of help!! There were plenty of times they came and I thought AT LAST Help but instead it would cause another barrage of rumors at the KH!! I gave up on any of Their Majesties being of any help a long time ago.

    The cong I was 1 st baptized in was mostly a mix of African American and Anglos. There were just 2 Latin families and they behaved what my family calls green. These people almost didnt baptize me (would have been a blessing) because I hugged and kissed people too much!! (They said)

    The pioneer couple who I was studying with over heard some conversation between elders (who refused to interview me) said it was because I was Latin. This particular couple HATED racism. See they are elderly African American from the south!! The stories they can tell you pale in comparison to anything I went through for being a Latin growing up in Anglo Ville. ( I have some bad stories)

    Anyway they told the CO who interviewed me himself and in front of the whole cong gave me a hug and said, Thats what Latin people do! They Hug!!

    Those crazy elders got mad and said he could not tell them what to do and interviewed me AGAIN themselves. Still they let me be baptized lol they just needed to feel in POWER!! Those crazy Cheese and Cracker Men!!!

    From that cong I moved to an all Anglo cong and while attending there for the 1 st 3 months I cried everyday!!! They were so cold and almost emotionless. Id hear a lot of your what nationality? Oh, I know your people. What wierdos!!

    Gotta Lovz Ya Sugar!!Heart

    Blows nilfun a kissHere's a kiss for you, my love!Kiss

    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 31 January 2003 15:25:51

  • nilfun

    Hey there Utopian, thanks for replying to my post...

    I'm so glad that they spoke up for you!

    I hugged and kissed people too much!! (They said)

    I also got counseled for hugging people too much! Is that weird or what?

    Id hear a lot of your what nationality?

    Yeap. Me too.

    Aww, you're giving me the warm fuzzies...*blows a kiss back atcha

  • Sentinel

    Ahhh, the slow and systematic loss of "self"; they did the deed so well

    We lived our life inside a dream; much better to be born an elf

    We were Jdub borg, ... invisible, unrecognizable, that's bad for anyone's health!

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    Hey! I got counselled for being too huggy and affectionate too... but I'm Anglo, sort of an English-Irish-Scottish-Dutch-Swedish-French-German-sureImissedsomethinginthere mutt.


  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Witch Child!!:butterflytwo: (Butterfly)

    I think you helped me realize something!!

    I know why we didnt fit in and they rejected us!!

    HeartHeartHeartHeartHeartWE WERE TOO LOVING!!!!HeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeart

    Dang if only I could be a cold-hearted Ice Queen then I wouldnt become burnt toast and bird food at Armageddon!Crying

    Luv ya gurlfriend! Hug

    Utopian_Raindrops Relax

  • nelly1

    i am very huggy too and i experienced the same thing, in fact once we had a co come and he was very huggy it was great, so one day i decided to hugg the PO ............ ohhhhh boy that did not go down well

    he pulled away and said "I AM NOT THE CO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    OHH BOY I thought what an idiot.

    can you imagine jesus saying that?????????????





  • Pleasuredome


    lots of hugs and kisses from a real anglo-saxon


    shame on you for taking the bible for what it clearly stated. you know you cant understand the bible without the help of the GB lol . people like that bitch are just shits arent they? i feel sorry for all kids in the borg.

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