Logically, the DA'd should not be shunned!

by metatron 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Metatron,

    thanks for the topic. I do believe that what you have stated is quite

    clear from the Bible not for the WTBS inc's " anointed , holy, glorious "ones!

    *Waiting: If the WT let all it's followers engage in chat/discussion with xjw's ----------- why, most would then be xjw's. Which, imho, is the real reason shunning is in place - to keep jw's in their dark minds.

    I always thought that this kind of discipline from J e h o v a h was more another

    WTBS Inc. fabricated scheme.

    *Simon: other that thinking for themself or disagreeing with the elders on something or just seeing things as they really are.

    As I have already written to some, in Europe it - and it WILL -can be considered by the BoE, that you have dissociated yourselve or similar word if you do not go to the meeting any longer, or if you do not partecipate to the preaching activity etc. etc.

    It is even written in the corporation's Charter, which is always kept away from the

    r&f 's eyes.

    *Joannadandy : If anyone disassociated themselves to become an outspoken apostate it would wreak havoc on the congregation.

    Can you imagine all the thingsthat the congregation/s would learn about the past , the presentso theyll figure out what will be coming in the future from the WTBS Inc.

    Thats really damage to the outward public image and the WTBS Inc. s bank accounts!!

    And may I add or rathger repeat what has been written so many times, about the major

    Danger for the WTBS Inc. is our dear and anonymous companion the INTERNET or if you

    prefer the world wide web!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • ozziepost

    What needs to be remembered is that the procedure of DA is not scriptural but an invention of the WTS. DF may be scriptural, but the legalism inherent in the DA procedure is anathema to Bible teaching.

  • yesidid

    Hi Metatron,

    You know you are seriously clever. That is real "out of the box thinking".

    But hey, don't give up on all our relatives. I have some great ones. Misguided but beautiful people.

    I am just grateful there are smart, caring people like you out there to help me help them.

    Love ya


  • Sparks

    Please forgive me if I`m wrong, but doesen`t the name Christian mean, follower of Christ(!?!) And doesen`t the Watchtower Tract Society claim to be a Christain religion...ie ..that Christ Jesus is the Leader/Founder of the basic teachings of Christianity.......

    One of Jesus`s most famous lessons on how Christians should treat people, was in his illustration known as The Prodigal son. The bottom-line to this lesson was that,even though the son wanted to have his inheritance early so he could live the high life....ie.... piss it up against the wall, wine women and song, and smoke them funny Rasstaferian roll-ups etc....his old man was quiet happy to give it to him.The old man affectionately lets the son know he`l always be welcome back, and calls him a cab......THE SON WAS NOT SHUNNED. I don`t give a shit what the Governing body in Jerusalam said in Paul`s time, or the governing body of the WTS today......Jesus has the first and last word to ANY-- body --CLAIMING to be Christ--ians.

  • LyinEyes

    I was thinking of the lesson Jesus gave of the Prodigal Son also. This is the way Jesus meant it to be,,,,,,,,,,, plain and simple. I think we should all the right to cut ourselves from family or friends that hurt us if it is a way to protect ourselves or family, or we just cant stand the pain anymore. Example: Say you have a brother and he is on drugs so bad and stealing and just a sad sight, you do everything in your power to help him and he just hurts you more. And thenyou could one day hope the brother would change and you could hope for a reunion. Then I think it is up to you to cut ties with this person who is hurting you, but I don't think you should tell your mother, father , other famiily members to put him out of their lives too. It should be a personal choice, not to try and enforce it for all in your family.

    But the WT tells you who you MUST shun, and if you don't you can't be part of the big family. That is where they go wrong. If memory serves me right, Marking, would be the only thing that should be done,,,,,,,,,, that of choosing who your assoiciates will be. But they always take that a litttle further to by doing a talk on what the sinner is doing from the stage , leaving off names,,,,, then excluding that one from congregation get togethers etc.

    God, why can't the WT just stick to what Jesus said, and let us make up our own minds. I guess because they know it will mean we have a useful mind of our own, that they will not have.

    What touched my heart so much about the Prodigal Son, is the father, ,,, I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it,,,,,,,,, he didnt give up hope that his son would come back home, he loved him and did not write him off as hopeless. The joy the father had when he saw his sad son walking up the road,,,,,,,,,,,that is just one reason I loved studing the Greatest man who ever lived book. I will always love Jesus because of the things he taught.

    Another classic if we all could live by it........"Who ever is without sin,,,,,, cast the first stone".

    Edited by - LyinEyes on 3 February 2003 15:58:26

  • Sparks

    Thanx Lyin Eyes, finally some-one that`s on the same wavelengh....I think I`m in love....

    I still have a copy of The Greatest Man who Ever Lived, I was moved by your post to re-read Study 86: The Story of the Lost Son, and got all chocked-up in side and still have the salt water in my eyes. It amazes me that the Jehovah`s witnesses have studied this book a few times, yet just don`t get it.....And they certainly don`t practice it.Sad people....

  • c_harris

    2 John isn't talking about shunning a person. This scripture meand that if someone

    teach to you in a meeting and does not teach Jesus has come in the flesh and

    ressurected, then you don't greet him. This greeting in those days meant kissing on

    the the cheek; not actually speaking to someone.

  • garybuss

    Welcome c_harris! Are you the C Harris I know?

    [email protected]

    Edited by - garybuss on 11 February 2003 20:14:4

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