Asta la vista . I don't see how people who live in california can stay indoors . Personally I like the virtual reality world.
See Ya.
by CoolBreeze 44 Replies latest jw friends
I'm really glad I ducked back in while I'm waiting for a 3:00 AM flight. I just finshed packing and it's too late to bother sleeping.
Truthseeker1 you said :
but try not to be insulting to those still here.
Please be assured that was not at all my intent. Upon re-reading my original post I can see how the following statement could have been interpreted as such.
Life happens in the real world, not online. I'm going out to experience it.
I truly appologize if this sounded like a blanket inditement of the online community. This statement is s olely directed at myself and no one else. Take a look at numbers next to my name. While the total number of posts is rather modest, take a look at the date I joined this board. I've read this and other boards for several hours a day since well before then. I started reading the old witnet board that Obie Fernandez ran, and Randy Waters' Freeminds site as well. Those two places eventualy brought me to this place, and later other boards. It also started a lot of online friendships, as well as tons of growth and healing.
What I really meant by the above statement, was that I was ready now to put all of that healing and growth to the test by re-imersing myself it the physical world that I have been sorely neglecting. I in no way meant to insult anyone with that statement, and if I did I'm really sorry.
I wish you all the best on your journeys through your own existence, whichever way that path may lie. I posted this because I didn't want to leave on a sour note because of a misunderstanding.
Edited to add: As I'm heading out the door on my way to the airport I was emabarrassed to realize that I had forgotten to thank our most excellent hosts Simon and Ang before taking off. Thank you for providing a comfortable corner of cyberspace to pull up a chair, put up your feet and touch other minds. I wouldn't be the same person without this board and the online friend's I've made through here.
Edited by - CoolBreeze on 1 February 2003 4:20:59
Anton, you have alot of class !!!!
CoolBreeze audios amigo!
You've been a very big part of the healing on this forum and I wish you well in your life journeys, please touch base once in a while you will be missed.
Best wishes to you, Anton. I knew you didn't mean any harm by your original post. It is true that real life happens when we leave the keyboard. But this board can be and has been such a great catalyst for many. I am glad people of all kinds like you and me have benefitted from being here.
Take care, buddy!
Tatiana it forward.....:-)
good for you!!!!!!!!! keep growing! wishing you the best.
Bye Cool!!
I am glad I got to talk with you in chat sometimes, and best of luck to you.
stay in touch! u have my im name *hugs* don't u forget it!
Anton you are one classy guy!!!!!! Good Luck in whatever you do in life. Your attitude will make you successful anywhere.