Holiday Today for Pagans

by gsx1138 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Well gsx,

    I had no idea your thread was going to be such a help!

    Today my daughters friend came over to go to the museum with us. In speaking with her she shared that she and her mother are pagans. I said today is your holiday and you chose to spend it with us! I felt now here we are lighting candles,burning incense, and reading both Catholic and Pagan stories of Brid!

    I didnt know she was coming so I dont have cream but she says none of her Christian Friends are so nice as to go through this for her. She is walking around saying how happy she is we letting her do this!

    So I owe you a Thank-You gsx for starting the thread and robdar and nilfun for your contributions.

    Gotta luv U guyz,+favlove


    p.s. I'm almost atheist but I still enjoy the ritual and spirituality of the Sabbats.

    I understand completely as my atheist parents love all the Christian holidays and traditions. Very Kewl.

  • Robdar

    So I owe you a Thank-You gsx for starting the thread and robdar and nilfun for your contributions

    Utopian, you are very welcome. Aren't the pagan/Christian holidays fun? Imbolc/St Brigid's feast day satisfies both my pagan and Christian leanings. Yesterday was splendid. I am glad that you had fun too.

    Love ya,


  • GentlyFeral

    Robdar, thanks so much for posting The Heavenly Banquet. It's one of my favorite spiritual poems.

    Well, I'm having a very satisfying Imbolc. For me it's all about the goddess Brigid, She of healing, smithcraft and poetry. So I celebrate Her day as a festival of poetry.

    And for me, as for some of my other invisible friends, poetry and trance blend into each other. It's a very instructive time, and I get to plant a few seeds of art.

    I was invited to an Imbolc rite by my ex-witchcraft teacher, but was too pissed off to go (she dumped me as a student, for pretty good reasons, but it took me till now to admit how much that hurt). So I ended up celebrating with Brigid all by myself, just me and a dead French poet and a green fairy. Had an instructive vision and got a couple of scraps/seeds of verse.

    Now that I've attended to the poetry, I'm going to do some more magic/worship tonight, about work (for me, smithcraft is the root of all kinds of work and technology) and healing.

    Happy Imbolc, everybody!

    gently feral

  • joannadandy
    I think religion is a plauge on humankind.

    I'll drink to that!~

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