I am friggen huge, (trying a new style diet)

by jelly 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    I can well relate to the problem of trying to lose weight. I've lost 40 lbs. but have another 80 to go...........

    Here's a couple of links that I think you'll find most useful. It's extremely difficult to stick to a diet plan, but I know this definitely has helped me:



  • flower

    Jelly, good luck with your weight loss journey. I started on January 1 and have lose about 12lbs so far. I took a look at your site and I thought you might want to know theres a much easier way to keep track of everything from daily food journals to exercise and everything in between. Check out http://www.fitday.com


    ps. hey kelps, what_the, .....what gives?

  • Mulan
    I have made a decision to stop the self loathing when I look in the mirror.

    Me too. I watched a great Oprah episode a few months ago, and it was a rerun last week, about the desire for youth and the perfect body. I had a major epiphany that day. Being thin does nothing for me, but make me fit in smaller clothes. I am still me, and I have a huge family, and everyone seems to really love me. So, I have to start loving me for me.

    I am the same person, chubby or thin, so I am through with the deprivation diets, and am just being me. Interestingly, I've lost some weight. Who can figure? I am not grossly overweight though.............about 30 pounds, but to me it seemed like 100 or more.

    What absolutely kills me now, is to see a photo of myself, and remember that I thought I was so fat when that photo was taken..................and I was thin. Why did I see myself as fat?

  • Prisca

    What absolutely kills me now, is to see a photo of myself, and remember that I thought I was so fat when that photo was taken..................and I was thin. Why did I see myself as fat?


    That happened to me too. I look back at pictures taken of me in my late teens-early 20s, where I thought I was huge, but I wasn't. Thanks to society's values, I was made to think I was obese when I simply had a few extra kilos on. I would love to be the size I was back then.

  • Debz
    I look back at pictures taken of me in my late teens-early 20s, where I thought I was huge, but I wasn't. Thanks to society's values, I was made to think I was obese when I simply had a few extra kilos on.

    How true is that Prisca, I believe that many young women end up with body image problems in th dubs..even now my mother (when she sees me, which isn`t often) will `have a go` about weight in fact I think she`s obsessed with it and she`s been `large` for years!!

  • SPAZnik

    Go-Jelly! Go-Jelly! Take-the-weight-off! You-can-do-it!

    Remind yourself that you deserve to live lite!

    Get into a good nights sleep pattern.
    Drink lotsa water!
    Unplug the TV and stash it in the closet, go for a walk instead.

    Don't do it cuz you have to, Do it cuz you want to!

    Good luck to you!!! :)


  • Ravyn

    if one single thing helped me lose 100 pounds I would have to say it was my recumbent bike. I recommend speding the money and getting one. It takes the pressure off your back--which is essential when you start out heavy and out of shape. I started doing it for 3 minutes a day! It was all i could do! I was thrilled when i worked up to 5 minutes! And i used music to time myself--I did not pay attention the dials and meters....I would pedal thru one song. Then two songs. Then I would pedal thru one LONG song....or one whole commercial break.....and every time I was hungry or bored or depressed--I got on the bike and FORCED myself to pedal for one song...or two songs...get the idea? I replaced my addiction and escapism with something healthier...it got to the point that I CRAVED my time on the bike..endorphins and all that good stuff. The pounds dropped away. It took 18 months, but I lost 100 pounds and I kept it off for 7 yrs now. I still use the bike, but I am not now doing the 15 miles a day that it worked into by the end of the diet...and I am strong and healthy.


  • ring

    best of luck on the diet Jelly

    it is a great feeling to see the efforts of your hard work result in a smaller number on the scale

  • jelly

    Well, the first day is in the books, in the future I am going to add much more detail. The first days listing is a bit sketchy because I am spending a great deal of time attempting to get a web site that does not look so juvenile.

    It is amazing what you find out about yourself when you begin remembering what you eat. The good news is that I did not overeat today and I did exercise so for today I won. The bad news is that I am not eating healthy. No fruit, very little vegetables, and now I am very hungry. I decided I need to plan my meals the night before, Monday through Saturday I leave the house around 8 AM, and I am not back until nearly 10 PM so I need to begin to pack lunches because healthy food is nearly impossible to find from a restaurant.

    I want to thank everyone for their support, and Prisca my web page should slowly evolve into something worth seeing.

    Warrgirl, yes I am going to start walking, and I also belong to a gym and I am going to start lifting weights 3 times a week.

    Outlaw, lol you are funny. I am trying to scan my high school graduation picture so you all can see what I looked like before the witnesses rotted my mind.

    Dins, I might very well give you an email, I really do not know that much about nutrition.

    Beautiful Garbage, you are 100% correct I do not want to be thin I want to be healthy.

    Mary thanks for the links, any help on diet and nutrition info is greatly appreciated.

    Flower, the web page serves two purposes, first it makes me think about my food, and second it allows me to apply the things I am learning in school (java script class) so thats why I dont want to use anyone elses software, but thanks for the link I will check it out for ideas.

    Thanks for all the support and I am sorry if I missed anyone, I am going to try to scan my picture now hopefully I will have it up soon.


  • kelpie


    Thats right scoot, im not.. I edited What_the's reply to explain all....

    My man had made an account here and I didnt realise it.. I just automaticly posted a reply with out checking my login name etc...

    I am soooo sorry for the confusion.. Simon, please do not kick my butt..

    I am the one that wieghs so much. What_the is very encouraging and he takes me the gym during the week.

    Jelly,,,, keep up the good work

    Kelps (of the definately female class and the lover of the what_the class)

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