Oh, How to Choose What to Follow in the Mosaic Law...

by Sorry 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sorry

    My sarcasm will get me DF'd one day. After being disgusted by the BS of the Sunday meeting, I chatted with one inactive brother came back for that one meeting. I can't exactly remember how it came up, but he told me and a sister whose a close friend of mine that she shouldn't be so uptight, we're no longer under the Mosaic law. (She has a reputation for being uptight due to being a MS daughter, but she's one of the most liberal JWs. She talks to her DA'd brother on a regular basis and enjoys my jabs at the GB and WT)

    He was joking, but then she goes into a long diatribe about how we're suppose to still use it as a guideline. That there's many good principals to abide by. I decide to kid around a bit to let her know we're just playing. I say "Oh yes, such a good guideline. Maybe we should stop wearing clothes since they're all a mix of wools. Better yet, let's just grow out beards like Jesus did. After all, we go for to door just like he did. Shouldn't we imitate him?" Both the brother and sister cackled. Then her face turned white as a ghost; her father came up right beside me.

    He reminded me that we just had an article two weeks ago about beards and how it's a conscience matter. 1 Corinthians 10:23 "all things lawful are not advantageous". We should put our "personal rights" aside and worry about stumbling someone. As if he's reading my mind, he brings up the fact that while we are no longer under the Mosaic law, we still need to use it as a guideline. He used the exact same wording as his daughter. I asked him "Since we're not officially under it but we can use it as a guideline, wouldn't everything be a conscience matter?" He looks uncomfortable, then mumbles "That's for Jehovah's spirit vessels in Brooklyn to decide." "Don't you mean Warwick, Brother... " "Of course."

    I was glad we had that exchange though, because my friend called me this morning and told me she thought a lot about what I've been telling her lately, and I'm making sense, maybe I'm right. She's going to do more research about it. Hopefully, she'll wake up to TTATT. Feels good...

  • Onager

    Remember what the bible says: Be cautious as a serpent, innocent as doves, fiery as foxes and as talkative as donkeys. Or something.

    I happen to agree with the cautious bit... :)

  • A Believer
    A Believer

    I do not understand many posters here...why go to the KH if you dislike the religion so much? You think it's okay to bash it on here and it's private? Jehovah knows all


    How to choose...

    The WTBTS, like the Pharisees, choose what benefits them the most and keeps them elevated above the sheeple.

    A Believer, you're right. Jeehibbity-hop sees all. He even sees YOU, coming to a naughty site, disobeying the Governing Body of the WTBTS Inc.



  • Londo111

    It becomes a matter of interpretation of what 'principles' the Mosaic law was getting at...and the only ones that are allowed to derive those principles are the Governing Body

    And as Ray Franz said the difference in Watchtower theology because principles and law are a "distinction without a difference". After all, people can be disfellowshipped and shunned for not adhering to the principles the Governing Body comes up with.

  • LettMorrisSplaneit

    @ A Believer,

    I don't understand you, why do you come here knowing full well your religion does not approve of you being on an apostate website?

  • Simon

    Given that they believe Jesus did away with the mosaic law, which was supposedly a temporary measure meant more to remind them of their imperfections as anything else, then whatever rules are in the law are really irrelevant - they are off the books.


    He reminded me that we just had an article two weeks ago about beards and how it's a conscience matter. 1 Corinthians 10:23 "all things lawful are not advantageous". We should put our "personal rights" aside and worry about stumbling someone.

    Typical mindless WBT$/JW drivel.....Beards are a Conscience Matter,don`t grow one..

    How does anyone wade through that constant WBT$ Bullshit on a daily basis?

  • steve2

    I do not understand many posters here...why go to the KH if you dislike the religion so much? You think it's okay to bash it on here and it's private? Jehovah knows all

    Big deal, mate! Is that your business? No.

    Besides, of all people here, you should be the most understanding - and nonjudgemental - because your presence here is a mirror-image of some people still going to meetings when they do not agree with the organization. And here you are, against the GB's warnings AND you don't like what's said here - but you're still here!

    And you say you don't understand many posters here who go to the KH!

    On your parting shot ('Jehovah knowing all') that presumably includes your willful disregard of the GB's warnings. Now I don't believe their exclusivist claims, so it's no big deal my being on this forum - but you do, don't you? Or do you take a more selective approach to their warnings? Do you think you know better than them?

    A believer, it is really hard to take you seriously and many posters here do not understand you.

  • sparrowdown

    Well said steve.

    People that go to meetings and come here to vent is what happens when WT forces people to choose between their family and their religion and their freedom of thought and speech.

    If these people were allowed to be themselves at the meeting and with their families they wouldn't need to come here to air their real thoughts and feelings.

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