I knew elders/pioneers,who would work just long enough to collect unemployment insurance.They would run their claim to the limit,go back to work just long enough to go back on unemployment insurance,and start all over again..This is the way they lived their lives for many many years..Then there were the dubs who were healthy enough to go out in the sevice but not to work....I love the post Blondie put up,WBTS gives it`s approval for dubs to milk the system for all the cash they can get,LOL! WBTS uses the government to subsidise the distribution of their crap,and turns their members into bums,LOL!...OUTLAW
Being On Welfare But StillPioneering
by minimus 19 Replies latest jw friends
I know many elders and CO's that recommended persons to pioneer while on welfare. Some would brag that they were on unemployment benefits and pioneering for as long as possible, while still collecting. Some did the same thing while on disability, too.
edited by wednesday b/c it is pointless
Edited by - wednesday on 2 February 2003 2:8:14
I know for sure in my local congregations that although pioneers generally did do part time jobs,in order to exist they would be entiteled to the maximum earnings related benefits such as 100 per cent housing rent paid by the state in housing benefit,100 per cent council tax allowance,free dental treatment etc,etc,etc,so I would say 99 per cent of pioneering was state susidised.
In our congregation we did not have many welfare pioneers what we did have was a similar type of creature however. In Gridley, there was a group of young pioneers that lived with and worked for their parents. These child pioneers had no bills, worked a fifteen-hour workweek, and were paid well by their parents giving them ample on hand cash. This young group of individuals acted as though they were the most holy people on earth, personally I think it is easier to drive around the neighborhood 3 hrs a day, and work 3 hrs a day than to completely support yourself, basically their parents were making the sacrifice they were reaping the benefits.
Some pioneers do make large life sacrifices but they are the minority. For the most part, I was never impressed with pioneers they all were either self righteous, bums, or simply looking for a mate. I also wonder when they hit 35 years old how many of them wish they could do it all differently.Terry
That reminded me of one of my boiling points at the last circuit assembly. The WTS is pushing hard for people to quit living the easy life and scale back to pioneer, focusing on young people and married couples without children. The first example was a couple that advanced into the traveling work. Who did he work for, you got it, his father, they even "rented" a house from him. Then a young sister, and who did she work for, her father, and she lived at home rent free. It isn't hard to pioneer when the boss is your parent and gives you the financial breaks you need to make it pioneering.
When I pioneered, there was no parent to fund me. I had to support my parent for a time. I even qualified for welfare but would not take it thinking I would be stealing from a really needy person. As to working just long enough to qualify for unemployment benefts, I know of 2 men who did that and bragged about it in field service. I made another phone call that time and mysteriously their benefits were cut.
I always thought you could not pioneer unless you supported yourself. Maybe I just didn't realise that many work part-time and claim benefits whilst pioneering. I have never claimed a penny in my life, even when my husband was out of work, we got by. My father worked all his life and what we had came from his sheer hard work - the long hours and relentless grind killed him in the end - but he was of a generation that just did not scrounge off the state. I have no problem with people claiming benefit if they cannot work for genuine reasons, but to pioneer??? That is not right.
Someone mentioned the various 'illnesses' that JWs seem to be plagued by. There does seem to be a very high incidence of ME, CFS etc etc in my congregation though. Many say they feel tired all the time and can't hold down a job - yet they can go out on field service whilst claiming sickness benefit - the mind boggles.
The situation in Australia is that pubs may qualify as pioneers even if they are receiving unemployment benefits. However they have to be actively seeking work (part-time work) and the Branch has instructed that such ones must make their position known to the Social Security department.
Of course, it causes some indignation amongst many elders and publishers alike, so the Service Department has "covered its back" by stipulating that such pioneers must be "in good standing" and have a good reputation in the congregation. Kinda like having it both ways, eh?
Cheers, Ozzie
Don't all pioneers need to be in good standing and have a good reputation in the congregation? Have you ever heard it said about a pioneer, that they are not in good standing and have a terrible reputation in the congregation???
johnny cip
here in the bronx N.Y. CO-OP CITY DIST... we have dozens of full time pioneers on welfare or ssi , i will name a few here... nancy who lives at 2440 hunter ave bx 2nd floor is on some kind of SSI OR welfare and never worked a day in her life ,she is simi retarted and pioneers full tine, and she was left a lot of money from her mother and it was all sucked up from from some jw bro . who gave her a kid... now he is one welfare too...... then there is Rosemary who lives in the same building who had a kid with one of the janitors in the complex but don't know who is the father , because they were all gang bangs.... but all will say he is half janitor.... then there is bro carl grolsh , the prevert and women toucher i know very well ... i call him the U-BOAT CAPTIAN ... AS he always does that godly thing of the touchie feeling thing... and asking about people about dirty sexual personal things,,,, way below the water... you fill in the details .....but go deep.... ther is so much more wt dirt in bronx new.york ...i'll fill all in when i get exact names etc... as i've not been in the hall in 20 yrs..... john