According to The Guardian, the Confucius peace prize has been awarded this year to one Robert Gabriel Mugabe.
Yes, you read that right. I suppose I could've put this thread in either the entertainment section or joke section instead.
Apparently, Muggerbugger beat Bill Gates and the South Korean president to the prize.
The decision was defended because Mugabe has apparently been "injecting fresh energy into the global quest for harmony". I suppose Comrade Bob now allows Matabele people to live in safety.
Qiao Damo, committee chairman: “If Zimbabwe did not have Mugabe as its president, the country would be facing great difficulty"
Liu Zhiqin, committee member: “Frankly speaking, there were internal concerns about awarding Mugabe the peace prize. I myself have reservations. Mugabe has been in power for such a long time that he could be easily be labelled a dictator, tyrant or despot.” - no sh1t, Sherlock!
I wonder who'll win the award next year