About two years ago a long time friend of the family died in a motorcycle accident. He was riding down a mountain road, hit some loss gravel and slid at about 60 MPH into a tree and died. I knew this man for years and I know he loved motorcycles. As a matter of fact, he owned three and when the weather was clear, it was a waste of time trying to call him because he was out riding. So with his loss, we had a funeral.
This is where the bothering part comes into play. People kept saying this stupid comment, "he died doing what he loved." Does anyone know how stupid that sounds. He died crashing, he loved riding. I doubt he hit that tree with a smile, thinking "what a way to go!" Yet this situation is not the only time this is mentioned. If someone drowns fishing, if someone crashes flying, or even the example today with the Astronauts. People say the same thing, "they died doing what they loved."
To me it is an example of something sounding right, until you think about it a bit and then it sounds stupid