Warwick to finish EARLY

by wifibandit 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wifibandit

    Ok, story time.

    Anon asks me via PM:

    Just heard from a Wallkill Bethelite that Warwick will finish early. Can you confirm?

    Also bethelites are going to pioneer school. My source says they are going in January. This is likely old news since they mentioned this in passing a few months ago. But I wonder if it's a precursor to more of them getting the boot.

    I post to /r/exjw Rumors: Can you confirm?

    This is the first I've heard of this. Can anyone shed some light? Is this Fake? Real?
    PM me if you don't feel comfortable posting below.

    And within a few moments ...

    Bethelites were allowed to attend pioneer school. I don't remember when they were first allowed, but I know some that have already gone.

    Then a few hours later...

    Warwick goal finish date is Sept. 2016, moved from Jan 2017.
    This according to a longtime Bethelite.
  • bohm

    So either Jehovahs blessing (just kidding), or because they can move forward quicker on selling buildings and they need the cash FAST.

  • Gayle
    what properties in Brooklyn left to sell? weren't some sold but still with WT still 2017?
  • pepperheart
    Well if 1000s of people who they had planned on being there are not now they dont need as much living accomadetion to be ready in time for people to move in,so just as long as the outside of the building looks nice they can just lock it up and let people who need to finish off do it at some other time.
  • antes8080
    This completely true, they well vacate Brooklyn by sept 2016. And it was do to the use of so many contractors that they will finish early. All bethelites were sent to pioneer school this summer. They were preparing them for there new assignment.
  • bohm

    antes8080: For real? Insider info?

    Damn. Jehovah must really be turning the couches around in his heavenly sofa looking for cash.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The sooner it's finished, the sooner they can get those Brooklyn properties on the market!

    And the sooner it's finished, the sooner they can give the pick slips to those construction workers.

    And the sooner it's finished, the sooner the GB can move to their beautiful new toxic waste site.

  • freemindfade
    That's only 3 months earlier unless I'm drunk? (I'm drunk)
  • DwainBowman

    Part of it must be the need to get all the money from the sale of the building's they have sold, but not yet closed, until they are ready to turn over the keys, to the buyer's! So the sooner they get out, the sooner they get the money!

  • tim3l0rd
    Not to mention they can claim that Jehovah blessed the construction!!! They'll say, "How many worldly projects finish early? It must be evidence of Jehovah's blessing!"

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