Thanks for the great post. I too have lost my faith in the organization. I will have difficulty ever trusting another person again. The WT had all the answers for us in a world that is often sinking in confusion. Everything was put together in neat little packages so that we didn't have to think using our own brain. We were given the assurance that we would never die and that our loved ones would never die. Those loved ones that we lost in death we would see again in the resurrection.
We were totally lost in a delusion of the WT's making. We were assured that the individuals running the organization were being directed and run by God. So, why worry? Waking up from the Watchtower machinations was like waking up from a coma after being asleep for 25 years. You discover, much to your horror, that the whole world has passed you by and that you have a lot of catching up to do.
There is no going back for me. I feel completely betrayed and victimized. I have sucker stamped on my forehead. I spent 25 years slaving away for pompous jackasses, concerned only with their self aggrandizement and not concern over the so called sheep in their midst.
Out of the ashes of the WT a new found faith is emerging. I'm taking it slowly because I'm not in a hurry. I don't want a repeat of my WT experience. To those that are lurking here, if you don't want a lifetime of pain and heartache, you better run like there is no tomorrow away from the WT.
Mr. Shakita