This primarily goes out to other agnostics and athiests. This week I got into two interesting conversations that I will admit that I was ill prepared for. One was with a JW friend of mine who wanted to know why I thought JW's were wrong. The other was with another friend of mine who considers herself Christian and wanted to know why I questioned the Bible. Well, I was wanting to know from other agnostics and athiests what specific parts of the Bible do you think proves it's falsehood? I want to be able to show her specific points from the Bible that just can't be right. My mind of course went blank while talking to her and I wanted to make a list for future reference. For example, I told her that the Ark's dimensions couldn't hold all of the millions of species of animals plus their food. Any other ideas?
Why is the Bible wrong?
by StinkyPantz 108 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hi StinkyPantz,
A few days age there was a great thread entitled "what made you doubt the Bible"
I think there was a lot of good reasoning there that would probaby help.
Well, for me it all hangs on needing faith...I just can't accept that anymore. Such important things as these should never be left hanging on a thread as weak as "just have faith".
The bible is all fine and dandy so long as you have faith...if you don't, well it is just fables and history and some rambling about beasts, heads, horns and whores. IMO of course ;)
So basically what u'r saying is that....You want to prove that the bible is wrong yet you can't prove it how do you know it's wrong.
Who said the Ark held millions of species?
Just as science can prove that man has one common ancestor.
It can prove that each species has one common ancestor related to that species.
A Paduan
Let's see - a couple of classics would have to be
- the world is six thousand years old
- a pair of all the animals on earth got in a boat
But the bible isn't "wrong" - it's a bunch of stories for enlightenment - and like other folklore / stories, it's not a history book.
Probably the plainest thing you could say is that it simply isn't a history book, and it's the reader who is "wrong" if that's what they think it should be. A bible incorporates a narrative, or even social instruction, as a platform for delivery.
To example, Paul writes, " A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives" - this is Paul's explanation to people he knows for purposes of social stability, based on what people already do - again, a narration about life. But a lightened hearing may be that the wife ( soul) only feels married to her husband (spirit) if he is a living spirit (Spirit / Love) - otherwise she doesn't feel compelled to accept her husband, who may have even courted her as a word (groom) - a spiritual story - like God's spell.
Who can say that a messenger is right or wrong - it's spiritual stuff - to water people.
I knew someone would say what you said. The thing is, I can give her my reasons but someone else might have a different slant on things that I could share. Anyway, I'm sure you know and believe plenty of things that you can't prove, just like everyone else.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It is not the responsibility of the skeptic to prove the bible wrong, but rather the burden of proof rests with the believer. He has to present a compelling case with evidence for why we should believe that people lived to be hundreds of years old, that the earth was flooded with water, that the earth is young, that the languages decended from the Tower of Babel, that Jesus is god (or is it god's son?), that any prophecies came true, that said prophecies were written before their fulfillment, etc.
So far no one has been able to provide evidence (much less extraordinary evidence) for these extraordinary claims in or about the bible. On top of that, the believer would have to show, with evidence, how the bible is superior to any other ancient religious writing. Circular reasonings and appeals to faith usually ensue.
Tower Man
It's interesting that no one has been able to 'prove' the bible wrong. In fact, it took science years to catch up with the bible. Until 1492, everyone thought the earth was flat. Isaiah said, in 600 BC, that the earth is a circle. He was right!
Science has also, in recent years, been conceeding that the earth can't be millions, or billions, of years old. There is a growing trend of scientists who have had no choice but to come to this concusion and are therefore declaring that we live on a 'young' earth.
Astronomers also thought, in times past, that all stars were the same size and magnitude. However, Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, written in the first century AD, said that each star differs from other stars. Not bad for born-again Jew, eh?
This, coupled with fulfilled prophecy, archeological and historical evidence proves that the bible was not written by men, but by God Almighty. The question is, Do you want to believe it?
Tower Man
I believe that burden of proof is only on the theist if they are trying to convince you that what you believe is wrong. If the theist doesn't really care if believe something different then there is no need for proof. That being said, if you were asked why you don't believe in the Bible and drew a blank don't feel bad. I believe you were probably overwhelmed with the ton of ways you could prove the Bible incorrect and you didn't know where to start.
It's interesting that no one has been able to 'prove' the bible wrong. In fact, it took science years to catch up with the bible. Until 1492, everyone thought the earth was flat. Isaiah said, in 600 BC, that the earth is a circle. He was right!
Wrong! The Earth is a sphere not a circle and they did know what a sphere was at that time period. In fact Science was held back because to the bible. Most gains in medical and mathmatic knowledge during that time period came from muslim nations. I don't know what happened to them they were the most intelligent people on earth at one time.
This, coupled with fulfilled prophecy, archeological and historical evidence proves that the bible was not written by men, but by God Almighty. The question is, Do you want to believe it?
What fulfilled prophecy? Archeological and scientific evidence has proved most of the Bible wrong. There is no evidence of the Bible being written by god; did you pull that one out of your ass? In fact at the rate of discovery the ILLIAD will be more accurate than the Bible and that is a fictional story (just like the Bible).Edited by - gsx1138 on 2 February 2003 23:5:55