If it were up to you, would you ban the JW's? Would you go that far?
Would you ban the Witnesses?
by Joker10 24 Replies latest jw friends
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Preserve Freedom of choice!
Nope. Just make'em pay taxes like all the other businesses. That would slow them down a bit.
Jim TX
Would you ban the Witnesses?
NOT under any circumstance!
The key is to educate the public so people can make an informed choice, this would consequently lead to the demise of the WT, Who of us would have become JWs if we were informed beforehand? Banning them would cause growth and create a persecution complex that would have everyone pioneering in the ranks. Besides countless innocent JWs would suffer.
Dont ever ban, just educate.
Cassandra Cain
No. But I would require open books from them on the money. I would also hold them accountable for deaths incurred on their advice. Religious Malpractice sounds like a good policy to me!
A Paduan
Inform and educate - Yes.
No way !! I even disagree with Jim_Tx, they shouldn't be taxed as long as other religions aren't taxed.
A Paduan
I think that taxing them and not other religions is ok if they know why it's done
It depends on what you are asking if I would ban them at or in doing. If I could ban them from coming to my door when my kids were teens, I would. I tried to, but their leaders have gone to court many times to fight for their "religious rights to go doo-to-door directing people to their organization", but their leaders will NOT RESPECT our religous rights in believing and trying to practice that we DO NOT WANT them coming to our doors. To OUR HOMES and attempting to direct OUR TEENAGERS. I called the Watchtower Society INC and gave my full name and address to THREE DIFFERENT people that I was tossed to on the phone and explianed that I DON'T WANT YOU AT MY DOORSTEP TRYING TO PLAY ON AND USE THE EMOTIONS MY CHILDREN ARE GOING THROUGH AS TEENAGERS STUCK IN BETWEEN CHILDHOOD AND ADULTHOOD TO RAKE THEM INTO YOUR SECT. It did NO GOOD and THEY DID NOT RESPECT MY RELGIOUS BELIEFS AND DID NOT ALLOW ME THAT MUCH CONSIDERATION.
So for any who have teens such as 14-16 that are home alone sometimes, I would suggest that you send a CERTIFIED LETTER to the Watchtower Society INC. so that you can protect children's lives and the WTS would be FORCED TO RESPECT YOUR RELIGIOUS RIGHTS LEGALLY, AS A PARENT. State that you do not want them at your door and that you will take legal action if any JWs even speak to your children at the door of your own home. Save the reciept from your certified letter and put it in a safe place. It's worth the effort because if your children get sucked into this cult, they will severe family ties for this organization.
The Wathctower Society is ONLY concerned about money, so therefore, the only way they would respect your wishes as to what goes on at YOUR OWN DOOR, IN REGARDS TO YOUR OWN CHILDREN, is if money is involved. If you say that you will take legal action, that will make them respond. And they will MAKE SURE they call your local congregation and inform them to stay off your property and to leave your children alone.