There are people that can only function in conflict. They do thier best work when there is chaos. Some of these leaders accomplish great things for thier nations, some only bring despair.
Leaders that manage by conflict seek confrontation with others. They constantly create an environment of divergence and seperation. They do not seek unification and peace.
Beware of this type of leader. Beware of the warmonger.
Bush is a Warmonger. He leads by conflict. He pefers to function in chaos.
I am not a Democrat or Replublican. Both party's have had both good and poor leaders.
Bush is not a good leader, not because he is replublican but because he is blood thirsty and not a man of peace.
Texas, while under the leadership of Bush, lead the nation in Death Penalty executions.
Bush does not hesitate to boast how some terroist have been killed. He glorifies in thought of death.
Bush is advocating WAR and more death.
I do not support terriost or Iraq, both should be dealt with as a matter of law. When a majority of the world agrees and a resolution is passed then it becomes a matter of law.
Bush has stated that he will not wait on a resolution, that the US will take matters into their own hands. What gives Bush the right to speak on behalf of a nation, a nation inwhich a majority of it citizen voted against him.
Bush wants to fight. Bush wants war. He has not clearly stated a case for an offensive move by the US. Every chance he gets he calls for WAR.
I pray everyday for our country, for our beloved military who will fight so gallantly if called upon.
I do not discount the probable need to take action against a dictator like Sudam, I just question if a Warmonger and person who seeks chaos and conflict can be the leader we need to see us clearly through this situation. Our closest ally Britain and most other nations do not agree with war at this time, yet Bush pushes on.
All death comes with a price. Sometimes it is a price a nation must pay, sometimes it is a price too costly for the cause.
I do not know the answers to Iraq. I do know that I get an uneasy feeling with Bush calling the shots.
Once again I warn Beware of the Warmonger.
Pray for Peace