No throwing the bouquet at weddings..
no throwing rice either. Throwing must be "of the Devil" since it couldnt be the pagan - ness of it elsewise wedding rings would be taboo, right?
Oops. Sorry. That would be reasonable and consistent. I forgot myself!
So where were rice, no bouquet throwing...ah yes..pagan rings ok.
No toasting by the best man, no garter toss, no "suggestive" music. Keep non suggestive music low volume (such fun dancing that is!)
The tradition of a money tree is WRONG but an envelope with a card and money inside is RIGHT (isnt the paper of the cards made from trees?)
No being alone before the wedding - chaperoned is the order of the day, HOWEVER - once you walk down that aisle, listen to that elder drone on, say "I do" and eat some cake, you are allowed to go have sex like a rabbit as many times as you want.
The paperwork that makes you legally wedded will sit on the wedding officiants desk until the mail goes out on Monday which means (if the wedding was on a Saturday) a good 48 hours of sex before anything legal happens.
But that is not of any concern...just dont throw rice or play that music loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!