With the recent tragedy, I have been reminded of something that I think is getting out of control. That is the news overkill of subjects. I do not want to sound heartless, but I did not sit and watch the news for hours when I heard the Columbia burned up. I watched for awhile, heard the facts, saw some footage and then went on with life. Hours later, and even a day later, that is all the news channels are talking about still. They have one feature on the disaster, followed by a feature on NASA's future, then another on the families and so on and so forth. They pull people off the street who Witnessed hardly anything, and seem proud of the term EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW. I am sick of it all, I am sick of the overdone coverage. Maybe it is a form of burn out that started after 9/11. I just want to be able to hear the points, get the story and not get the impression that the news people are out for ratings. Ratings from covering other people's pain. It is just getting so over done. Am I alone in feeling this way?
I am so sick of the NEWS, are you?
by whyhideit 18 Replies latest jw friends
You're in the minority, but you aren't alone. I haven't watched or listened to the news for yrs. Newspapers? the headlines are enough. My opinion, people are better off thinking their own thoughts, rather than have populist amerikanna propaganda pablum spooned into their brainpans every hour, on the hour. But that's just me. I guess the world could end and i would carry on as if nothing had happened. LOL At least i would go out w normal blood pressure.
Edited by - saintsatan on 4 February 2003 1:14:1
A Paduan
They say the president's dead, no one can find his head, it's been missin now for weeks. But no one noticed it, he'd seemed so fit - I'm sick of it
extract from Sick Of You - Lou Reed
I can understand a decent amount of coverage, but like everything else, the media will go on an overkill. They've done this in the past, most notibly when Princess Diana died, when JFK Jr. died, September 11th and now this.
Coverage is definitely needed, there's no doubt. But everything I've seen in the last 24 hours is simply re-re-re-re-rehashing what happened. They cover it so much that people get tired of it and move on to something else. It's a horrible tragedy, no doubt, but there's something to be said about reporting the same thing 24-7
I get so sick of the coverage too ... it's like every station covering the same thing.
I think tonight on the Food Channel, Emeril LaGasse will be doing a special tailgate party to feed the rescue personnel.
*****Rub a Dub
It seems to me the "news" is 90% speculation and 10% news. Listening to so called experts spouting gargage which may, or may not, be true gets old in a hurry. Ever notice how these guys are never called to task if their predictions/speculations don't come to pass ??
Whatever bad news there is out there, it is very good news for the witnesses to see everything go lousy. They have so much to talk about now, going door to door.
Princess Diana
This is a tangent, this will piss a few people off.
Mother Teresa died around the same time as Princess Di. What irked me, was the lack of media attention in the U.S. on Teresa's part. Here we have a person that devoted YEARS surpassing Princess Di's, was thrown to the side like: "Oh, yah, the old lady that helped people, passed away...who cares."
The constant barrage, report after report about Di (though had aided humanity also)...and only but a whisper about Teresa.
Screw Pop-Media. It's about selling a story and advertisements, not reporting.
Repetition. Repetition for repetition sake. Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. How many times Saturday did you see that freakin' streakin' Columbia come down out of orbit? How many? How many times did you hear something like, "Well, that's the latest from Trish Dcup. Now, we're going to switch over to Cynthia Lottaboobs, who also doesn't have a damn clue about what's going on, for her report." HOW MANY? I'm having DREAMS about that dam contrail or whatever they're calling it.
I had to get out my Chopin CD to get my nerves settled. Now I'm listening to NPR and Talk of the Nation is coming on. I'll bet you dollars to donut holes it's about that damn shuttle. Gimme a minute. (wait, wait, wait) YEP BY GOD. THE WHOLE DAMN THING IS GONNA BE ABOUT THAT DAMN SHUTTLE!
Have any of you seen that Italian report on the web that purports to show two large cracks in the shuttle's wing? Now you tell me. How come someone couldn't have gone out there and BYGOD LOOKED at the damned thing, and if there was damage they coulda gone over and checked into the space station until NASA got another shuttle up there to pick up their asses? Elementary. But did we do that? NNNNNOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
And it doesn't have to be some giant story like this. It could be a story like Saddam gets a hangnail and the media won't let it go! I wonder if this has got something to do with allowing semi-trained neo-journalists into the field? People who aren't into journalism for journalism's sake but for something else?
I, for instance, am a trained journalist. I got into journalism when it was a BLUE COLLAR occupation, before journalists made 7-figure incomes; when journalists would get off work at midnight and go hang out at Joe's Bar and Grill with the boilermakers, and the steamfitters and the cops fresh off the beat and toss back beer after beer. Now, we've got talking heads on TV like wasername who considers herself a CE - DAMN - LEBRITY. Paula Damn Zahn, that's it. What she knows about actual hard news, if sucked up a gnats ass, would rattle like a BB in a box car. Screw her and all like her. And they're paying that pygmy on Today, what's her name, the one whose very expression says, "Don't you think I'm cute?" Katie Couric, that's her. Sixty five fucking million big ones for what she does? I say she ain't worth a dime more that $120,000 a year and that's it. All right, double that for being in New York. But not another damn dime.
And this was also before journalists had to be card-carrying members of the democrat party (read neo-marxist party) in order to get a job anywhere. Let's get this straight. I got no use for anyone even in the middle - get some guts and take a stand for something will ya? And if it's ONE SILLY MILLIMETER to the left of center, you're my natural enemy. You might as well wear a big red star on your shirt.
All this is why I got out of journalism. It turned into an occupation peopled by left-leaning, nose-picking, bed-wetting, thumb-sucking, fellow-traveling, jelly-spined, liberal, neo-marxist, anti-American, know-it-alls and liars who agree it's better to put 30,000 honest hard working people out of work than to endanger the spotted, god-damned owl, or the snail darter fish that no one had ever heard about, or some other life form whose time to become extinct had arrived. I mean species DO go extinct, you know. Aren't you so happy there aren't any T REX hanging around your children's school playground?
But I wax eloquent.
JH said:
Whatever bad news there is out there, it is very good news for the witnesses to see everything go lousy. They have so much to talk about now, going door to door.
How true, this is all proof the end is near.... "the power of the heavens will be shaken."
JW thrive on this stuff, it validates in their own mind that the waisting away of their lives slaving for an organization is not all in vein.