Sisters and the great tribulation

by Brummie 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    Just before I retire to bed my mind starts reflecting back over things I done heard that made a profound impact on my mental faculties (I guess I still have them). Anyway having worked the night shift I'm about to fall into a coma so you can imagine my minds on over-ride. Here's what I remembered.

    One day in book study we all began talking about surviving through the great tribulation, a group of sisters started talking about how they might not get access to toilet rolls during the trib (like every ones life would be at risk and they are thinking "what shall we wipe our butt on?") There faces were a picture of horror as they considered the alternatives.....bwahahaahahah. I thought to myself "They cant be serious right, surely this isnt something to worry about?"

    Anyway last year Britian had a petrol shortage due to the strikes here, people ran out and emptied the shelves in all the major shops since many thought food wouldnt be available easy because no one being able to get to work, no deliveries etc... it kind of reminded me about the tribulation and how people would react if it did break out. So anyway, guess what the top 3 items were that sold out emmediately during the panic rush to buy necessary items?

    1) bread

    2) Milk


    Priorities! I mean, who would want to go through the tribulation looking all hassled and stuff right? They want to survive the great tribulation with their hair to looking nice (and clean bums) ...aww bless .

    Tis human nature I guess. What would your silliest priorities be? Mine, Saving the MP3 collection. But it wouldnt be 3rd on the list.

    OK its bedtime, sorry about spelling, I just cant be arsed.


    Edited by - Brummie on 3 February 2003 8:11:48

  • Wolfgirl

    Tee-hee! Considering that I used hairspray twice in the past year, and one of those days was my wedding, I doubt that would be on my list.

    Funny, but thinking of the great tribulation was the beginning of my rebellion. I know this is a small thing, and most likely very stupid, but I remember thinking about how we would speculate that we would have to go to the KH and huddle there to be saved. I remember thinking, "I'm bringing my dog, and they can't make me put her outside. I'll stand my ground." How silly is that?

  • Mary

    If the GT broke out, I'd want the following three items:

    1. Wine (lots of it)

    2. Face Lotion

    3. A gun and/or flamethrower (to ward off those who might try to steal my face lotion)

  • RubaDub

    #1 ... Beer

    #2 ... Nachos

    #3 .... Remote Control


    Edited by - RubaDub on 3 February 2003 10:11:4

  • Faraon
    One day in book study we all began talking about surviving through the great tribulation, a group of sisters started talking about how they might not get access to toilet rolls during the trib (like every ones life would be at risk and they are thinking "what shall we wipe our butt on?") There faces were a picture of horror as they considered the alternatives

    What about all that useless WT literature?

  • talley

    I have to agree with Wolfgirl.... My dog would be my greatest concern, getting food for her, where she would be safest and alwasys keeping her by my side.

    I consider her a 'fellow travler in my care'.

    Judy/talley (of the silly old woman without children of her own class)

  • blondie

    The publications are too waxy now. It would slide off.

    I would get

    1. Toilet paper

    2. Toilet paper

    3. Tampons/pads (look out men)

  • CoonDawg

    1. Ruger Mini-14 assult rifle

    2. Cases of Ammo

    3. Porn .... cause, hey....good porn will be hard to come by.


  • Francois

    I'd want a bunch of good red wine. Don't have to refrigerate a good red. Robert Mondavi Coastal will do.

    Toilet paper and I mean lots of it.

    A nice BAR with plenty of ammo, and when I say plenty, I'm talkin' boxcar amounts, see?

    Condoms. I've been fixed, but hey, I don't have time to explain nuthin' to some unbeliever. Ya know?

    Soap. A nice anti-bacterial type and plenty of it.

    MREs. I know they taste like shit, but I'm into survival here, I'm not into the Ritz.

    Plain water. One Water tower full will be sufficient thank you.

    A couple of combat knives and sharpening stones.

    That's all I want. OR, OR,

    I want to be viewed as a child of God, worth preserving. Then I want none of that stuff up there on that list. I just wanna be and let my faith take me through it and my faith alone.

  • Warrigal

    Didja ever light a stream of hair spray??? Instant flamethrower.

    I'd want lots of bottled water as the water supply is dependent on electricity here. Would also want to have canned food and toilet paper too. Will have to check on my supply of ammo....already have the guns.

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