Even MORE Things Eating at MY Mind

by Francois 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sabine
  • wasasister

    Frank: it is my not-so-objective observation that you, and many others who share your views, are angry most of the time. Angry at "lefties", angry at those who disagree with you, angry at everything.

    I don't think it's helping your hair-line much. Chill, why-doncha? Is it so important to be "right" all the time? (Pun intended)

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I have the right "NOT" to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird, or tick me off.

    Managing this right is another thing!

  • Brummie

    Francois has done nothing wrong in expressing his viewpoint has he? Even if we dont agree with all the sentiments expressed he still has the right. If we are honest with ourselves we ALL have a list of "Politically incorrect" ideals, its just that we dont express them vocally or otherwise. He hasnt hung anyone or committed a crime against humanity by expressing HIS collected opinions. What if he disagree's with everyone else...thats his perogative, as long as he isnt making a nuclear weapon in order to wipe out others opinions then pat him on the back for being able to decide what his own prefferences are...or if you dont want to pat him on the back just express your difference, some will agree with him, some will agree with you, sounds fair enough to me.

    Its freedom of speech that we should be thankful for, thats whats allowing us all to agree or disagree with him.


    Edited to add:

    BM>>>Managing this right is another thing!

    Ah Beck,, thats a good point, agreed.

    Edited by - Brummie on 4 February 2003 0:14:53

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I think that when we post a thread we are inviting other people's thoughts, whether they disagree with us or not shouldn't matter, no matter what the percentage. I disagree with people all the time, but I keep my disagreements to myself, not for fear of being told to shove it where the sun don't shine, but out of consideration for the poster - to offend people isn't going to make my point clearer, it only turns up the volume. Respectfully allowing others to share regardless of their point of view isn't all that hard really.

    ~Beck~ bending over to show that the sun does indeed shine in Australia

  • TR


    You said, and I repeat,

    100 times more magazines that celebrate Anglo beauty and culture?

    Again I ask you, what magazines celebrate ONLY Anglo beauty and culture?


  • Satanus

    I, for another, am glad that the old political correctness tyranny is lifting a bit. I believe w bush can be credited for this swing, as he has said to the affect that 'hey we are equal, so no more special treatment'. I'll give him credit when due.

    SS who isn't sure about the new political correctness

  • ChrisVance
    To me you're just another liberal gassing your way through an empty life.

    Francois, if you don't like us bleeding heart liberals why don't you live in a country's that's more conservative. We're part of America also.

  • funkyderek
    what magazines celebrate ONLY Anglo beauty and culture?

    Why, IVORY magazine of course:


    Edited by - funkyderek on 4 February 2003 8:23:55

  • roybatty
    Let me reiterate that Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan are only three people, they don't speak for all Blacks, okay? Got it?!

    It is a shame that the media potrays these men as the leaders of the black community when the majority of blacks think these guys are idiots. As a matter of fact, Jesse takes everything he can from the black community. Here in Chicago he was going to lead a boycott of Anheiser Busch (sp? the beer company) because of the lack of African American distributors in the Chicago-land area. The beer company caved in to Jesse. Guess who got rights to distribute here in Chicago??? Jesse's own two sons!!!!!!!!! With this and his little girlfriend on the side, you'd think he'd loose support but he's going stronger then ever. He knows how to play the MLK card and get people emotional. It's a dam shame because the last thing the black community in Chicago needs is another person taking from them.

    I do see the tide turning and black Americans realizing that these so-called leaders of theirs and their goverment programs are the problem. Handouts are only a temporary solution and have lead to several generations of people dependent on the government. It almost seems that certain leaders want blacks to be dependent upon the government. Almost as if they weren't, these leaders would loose their power base.

    One last thing and I'm aiming these at all those who are connecting government handouts only with poor blacks. The biggest reciepent of government aid is.....FARMERS! Yup. I live just outside of Chicago, in a farming community. Farmers love the government's program to keep food prices artifically higher. How do they do this? They pay farmers not to grow food. One farmer down the road from me received this past year over $500,000.00 NOT to grow crops. Kind of amazing that when people complain about government handouts and special treatment, they always tie in poor blacks but never white farmers. I wonder why???

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